With the new Rebell expansion come more exciting opportunities for strategies and combinations in the game. In todays episode I want to focus on the Fire Splinter specifically and discuss all the new units that are introduced to the game. We will talk over every single card in a little bit of detail and will explore different strategies over the next few weeks. Furthermore, we will finish all the other Splinters as well so that in the end we will get a sort of guidance for the new expansion. With that being said, if this article motivated you to start playing this amazing game, then feel free to join the fun over the following link:
As always we are going to start things off with the common cards. In the end those are the ones that are pretty easy to get and those are also the cards that you can test use in every battle. Starting this section off with Gobalano Soldier, we are getting a very effective card with a new ability: Ambush. This ability allows the card to attack before the battle, which is a very interesting addition to the overall game mechanics. It would give an interesting twist to future gameplay and adds to the Rebellion Theme. Furthermore, this card has the Sneak ability which is very popular in the Fire Splinter in general. In combination with Tarsa, this card gets incredibly strong and could get one of my favorites in the future. With higher levels this card increases its speed and Life points. Unfortunately, it only increases the attack value on level 8 which is very high up but maybe this is necessary with such a powerful card.

Next up we have a Nimbledook Scout, which is not a very strong card on the face of it. With no attack value, this card seems to be not very useful at all but keep in mind that we have the Ability Weapons training to our usage now. It does mean that this card should be used in combination with these other cards which limits the combinations but in general a card for 2 mana is very powerful in low mana match ups, especially if it has 3 health and 4 speed.

Moving on to another card that I would not like to use on a regular basis. Kha’zi Fire Mage does not look like a very amazing card to be perfectly honest. Yes, it is a magic attacker and yes it only costs us 4 mana but wit only 2 speed and 3 health this card does not really scream overpowered. What I also do not like about this card is the scattershot ability. While it might be very useful in certain occasion, I think that the main use case is against Taunt units, which we have other weapons against nowadays.

Last but not least, we have the chaos Orc for the common in the Fire Splinter. This card does not look like the worst card to play as a tank. With Tarsa’s boost, this card gets ramped up to a 3 Melee attacker with 6 health and is pretty usable against non magic monsters in my opinion. With 3 speed, it also comes with respectable values in armor. The piercing ability is just the cherry on the top which rounds this card up to a very usable card in certain match ups. Not my first choice but definitely usable.

Moving on to the rare cards, we have another batch of 4 cards here. I must say that I am a little disappointed with these rare cards for the Frie Splinter as 3 out of 4 are ranged attackers. It is understandable that Rebellions are more ranged based but those cards will be very hard to use in a regular setting. The first card: Torch Myrmidon looks like an alright card that can be improved with higher levels. The close Ranged Ability helps the ranged attackers for sure and with 7 health and 2 armor paired with 4 speed, this card does not look like the worst card, but there are just so many better cards out there for 8 mana, that I would not necessary consider this card as my first choice.

Same goes for the Flame Mephit. Although this card comes for only 2 mana and has some very basic stats, I consider this card just a very good filler card. With its flying ability it has some good purpose in Earthquake match ups and can dodge the one or other Sneak attack but in general this card will not be a deciding factor at the end of the battle.

On the other hand, we have the very strong looking Torch Vizier. With 2 attack, 4 speed and 4 health this card looks very strong combined with the Opportunity Ability. On level two it increases its attack to 3 and on level 3 we can even have 5 HP for this card. In combination with Tarsa on Level 3, this card will have 4 attack, 4 speed, and 6 health which is insane for a 5 mana cost card. There are not a lot of cards like this out there and I can not wait to use this card more frequently.

Last but not least for the Rare Section we have a Muspelheim Demon, that does not look very inviting to me. I usually stay away from Ranged attackers with Scatter Shot just because there are so many other options out there that can actually help you win games. Now, it would be interesting to see a battle with just Scatter Shot units and how this would turn out but like I said, you can get more bank for your buck somewhere else.

Moving on to more interesting monsters in this set: The Epics. And we start off with another Ranged attacker. Now granted this card does really not look that bad other than its mana cost but lets start from the beginning. Dalthin Ironhood has 2 ranged attack, 4 armor and 5 health paired with 3 speed. On top of that he grants the units next to him 2 ranged attack if they do not have any attack by themselves, which is a pretty cool ability to have as we know. The attacking values will stay after this card gets defeated which makes this ability just so much more valuable. In general this card looks pretty good, but is again not my number one choice.

Why? Well, there is just another epic card that looks so much better: Infernal Firestorm, looks like a very strong card to have in the backfield and later on as a tank. For 10 mana you are getting 2 mana attack, 3 speed, 5 armor and 9 health. This card comes with the ability of letting the unit behind it attack from the second position once this card gets into the tank position which opens up pretty cool combinations. I am seeing this card as an nutcracker while the ’normal’ tanks can charge in the second position. All in all, a very strong card for a lot of mana.

And now to the cards, we have all been waiting for: The Legendary Cards! Starting it off with the chaos Golem who would be a perfect combination with the Infernal Firestorm. For 9 mana you are getting the definition of tank: 3 attack, 3 speed, 4 armor and 10 health. This card will bash through the enemy and return Frie if attacked with Ranged attacking cards. This is very interesting in the regard of the rebellion Expansion because there are a number of Ranged attackers out there who would get just countered by this Ability. In this regard, I think that this card might be the number one threat to the rebellion.

Last but not least we are getting another Ranged attacker in Rush Townsend who comes with the ambush ability. With 4 Ranged attack and 4 speed I am pretty sure that this card gets the first two attacks of the match up and can deal immediately 8 damage. Now if this is nothing great to consider it also comes with the Affliction Ability which makes it impossible for the attacked card to use the healing abilities. It is in my opinion a very exceptional card for a ranged attacker and puts this card into a sort of a hero role that I really like.

All in all the Fire Splinter has some really amazing cards but also some busts. I assume I just did not find the perfect way of playing some of these cards yet, but the more I am trying out the better I get and so should you!
Published by ga38jem on
On 27th December 2023
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