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RE: Active interest, no more eye-rolls

in LeoFinance4 years ago

It took a while for Faith to come around. Not having much money growing up has made her cautious, me too really, so I understand her fiat-focus. She's on board now though and understands the benefits.

I decided last night to get a kilo and was going to pay $1309, then wake up this morning and it's dropped to $1263...Happy days huh? Picking it up tomorrow. Another chunk to add to the pirate chest.

With Siena, don't rush it...She'll come around as time goes by and you're both young enough to go long and make some good gains. Little by little. The key for me with Faith was not to push, talk about it here and there but not fixate on it. Smart girls make smart decisions, they just need to make them in their own time.



Yeah Siena is good with her money. She helped talk me into some better money strategies but she’s very conservative when it comes to spending money, for good reason. She moved out on her own when she was 21 and hasn’t looked back since. Lots of financial struggles for her but now that we’ve built a good life and have some funds to invest, she’s getting more apt to looking at things. She even brought up crypto back in December. That was the first she had and was interesting to hear. She doesn’t like it but understands that it might be worth buying some and has learned of some of the different strategies Ive employed. Nothing crazy of course but just a “don’t buy this crap, I prefer to buy this” type of stuff. I think when we do our taxes this year she will have a good look at what the benefits are to putting in a little bit. We need to offset the profits on the business anyways so we will be seeing what the options are. Maybe we could grab a few ounces of silver as a tax write off, you never know!

It's good that you're both on the same page and cautious isn't a bad thing at all either...Investing isn't for everyone I guess and as long as the research is done and the risks are calculated then those that take the step should feel confident. It's all risky though so being strategic about it is best practice.