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RE: The cost of entertainment

in LeoFinance4 years ago

If only the world knew indeed.

I work from home a lot so need good internet service and, of course, no internet, no hive. In truth I don't necessarily see internet as entertainment as these days it seems to be a requirement of life. We have to do just about everything online these days, certainly all government-related things, most medical etc. So, less entertainment, more requirement.

For me it's the pay TV thing...It's a lot of money. Clearly we can afford it or we wouldn't have it, but I still look at the cost and think I cold possibly better use the money. Silver maybe. But, free to air TV is absolute trash: Commercial breaks longer than actual programming, insipid reality shows, re-runs of Bonanza from 1969 and propaganda news services...I like to watch history and natural world documentaries and a movie or two so, we have pay TV. A couple sports I follow are only on pay also. It is what it is. I watch a little TV really, don't sit there for hours on end or anything, but when I watch I want it to have some quality rather than the pay TV rubbish. In truth though, I spend more time on hive than TV.

We used to go to the movies every week. The cinema. We'd get dinner, some snacks and pay the $22 (each) to get into a movie...$120 later...So, $153 doesn't seem so bad.



I cut my TV connection a long time ago. This past summer I spent a lot on fuel for the dirtbike, legal cannabis (LOL - don't judge), and fishing tackle. I just transfer my laptop screen to my TV when it's time to use that idiot box.

Yep, we looked at it too, cutting our service off and the screen mirroring thing also. It's the pay TV that's the excess for us, the non-essential, and we have always said it'll be the first thing that goes considering we could cut it off and retain Netflix for a fraction of the cost. At this stage we have kept it but I think the day of cut-off is fast approaching.

I like the dirt bike thing, spending money of stuff like that is legit. I spend a lot on guns to be honest, and all of the kit around that hobby. Also, we spend large amounts on our 4x4 and camping stuff. That's what really makes us happy, the experiences provided by those things, the outdoorsy things, and also travelling. But having said that, watching documentaries makes me happy too and so we find a balance.

You fish a lot? I'm not much of a fisher (angler?) although I do it from time to time. I'm more into the shooting, hunting and stuff. Nothing like a fresh caught fish on the open fire though right?

Some lakes here it only makes sense to pull a lure if out for a paddle in the kayak. Get a free meal every time. Sometimes I'll go on a mission to catch my limit but then I have spend hours processing the meat.

Here: Jim Baird and Joe Robinet take what I enjoy doing to extreme measures. I'll go for a day with home base nearby. These guys go out for weeks at a time. You'll find some cool documentaries on those channels, and some thick Canadian accents.

I have kayaks and Faith and I go a bit but we don't fish off them, I'd probably hook myself and end up doing some damage. (I'm not the best fisherman in the world). It's fun to go for a yak though although we don't do anything quite as adventurous as those chaps you linked. I like looking at that stuff, the outdoorsy stuff, so thanks for the links, I'll enjoy watching them today at work. 😉