It's pretty mad really right? The cost. I guess that's the way it works though; The shows and movies need to get funded somehow and so we pay for TV. It is for this reason we rarely go to the movies, which costs between $17-$22 for a ticket here. We made a choice, see movies when they hit the cinema or wait until they land on pay TV. The pay TV worked out better.
You mention basic cell phone. And right there is one of my big problems. The cost of phones, which, in the main people cannot really do without. I have a Samsung S20 and pay $130/month for the plan and to pay the handset off (over 24 months). Bloody insanity. If they got rid of all the camera rubbish in the phones they'd actually be quite cheap but no, people want to take endless photos of themselves and their food for social media. It's a grand old world huh?
I tried not getting a smart phone but had to get a new phone when my flip phone died... Still learning how to use it.. I use it mainly for taking pictures sic.. for Hive.. ha ha and of cause it's a great all round tool.. .I avoid monthly payments.. No loans, buy cash..
I have had a smart phone for years (unfortunately). I have two now, work and personal, one iPhone and one Samsung. Hate them both.
I have typically used the plans to purchase them as it seems easier although vowed that this was the last time. Back in March I had both my phone stolen at the same time which was problematic. I walked into the Telstra shop an hour later and walked out with a brand new one, it was pretty easy. That's why people do it, the plans; It's just easier than paying cash.
I'll not be upgrading this phone when the plan expires though, and my wife has not either. We'll use them until they can't be used I think and then go the cash purchase method. I use my phone for photos on hive a lot too, it's easy as it is almost always with me so I need a camera on it, but I miss the days when phones were phones to be honest, and they were simple. (Showing my age here.)