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RE: The cost of entertainment

in LeoFinance4 years ago

The TV service is the big one here as the internet is more of a requirement than a luxury. It works for now though and we don't compromise other more important things to have it so we retain the service. We have considered dropping it though and picking up a couple of the streaming services instead but currently haven't made that move. We'll see though, I mean if we could reduce by $1000 a year which should be easy it's $1000 more silver, or into my superannuation for instance. It all adds up.


At least when you go on your long drive-a-bout you can put some of the services in suspension and save a little bit while on the road.

Yep, that's the plan. We'll suspend them all, or cancel them, whatever is permissable, and then just reconnect when the get back. That's still some time away yet, but planning the financials is something we want to do well ahead of time in the advent we need to make ajustments now.