I'm not one to talk much about political things here, but I guess just another example of the government string-pullers doing what they do. I suppose if we (generally) knew exactly what was going on, we'd be at the gates with pitchforks and scythes like in the good old days. You know?
Don't worry mate, if any of that profit headed to Australia filters down to me, the lowliest Australian who ever lived, I'll put it in an empty Milo tin and save it up until you're down for a beer and some nosh at the local.
Well that's a nice thought, unfortunately I don't think enough of the profit will make its way to you to even afford to buy me a bag of crisps, let alone a pint!
I think you're right. I'd be happy to augment any profits that flowed my way with my own money though. So pints and nosh is back on!
I think they should give British Volt to you and not sell it to the Australian company.
Then we can all come for pints and 'nosh'!
Lol...pints and nosh for everyone!
Probably true - but what crisps would you go for?!
Plain, always plain!
love this comment and the idea that the money will filter down to your Milo tin (idk what that is but I'm guessing it's like a piggy bank?!)
Milo is a drink. As kids we'd turn the tin into a money box. (My parents were not well off so we were innovative.) https://www.milo.com.au/
I know this is a serious post and we're talking about something else but here... now I'll have to taste Milo's products too.
There will come a time when it will be convenient for me to move to Australia if every post a new product comes out lol!
Haha, yeah Milo is legit, good for winter.
Already looking for it 😅