Negotiation isn't War: Both Sides Should Win No Matter What

in LeoFinance3 months ago

I want to discuss negotiation today, when we mention negotiation it is important that we realize that it isn't about splitting things on a 50/50 percentage, neither is it about getting ones way or the other to dominate or winning or losing because if there is a losing part, then it is not negotiation it is about a win win concept.

Imagine two people arguing about cutting and taking a part of a cake first but they both want to avoid being cheated so how do they do it. Solving this is very simple and to ensure they both get a win-win scenario one of them can cut the cake, while the other pick the cake first.

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With that explanation, we see that negotiation has to do with leaving both sides of the table happy without hurting the relationship of both. When negotiation is on the table, what should be important is interest and not position. You do not have to stand on this is my ground and this is not what. Flexibility is very important, and most times is the hidden reason a particular negotiation isn't pulling through and simply asking why is the best way to get the interest of the person.

Once the underline interest of a person is seen, they should be discussed openly so it can be resolved or attended to because it shows that they are being listened to or being heard. Interests of both parties should be discussed so a good resolution can be reached.

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Once a discussion is being one sided, then it is no longer a negotiation because it isn't based on fair standards. You both need to have something to gain if you pull through with the negotiation successfully. People do not like being ordered around, they feel being cheated or ridden upon so it is better to opening look at everything openly and tell them that you should look into regulations and rules guiding the process. Always look for fair pricing, fair deals, and fair resolutions for both side of the party on the negotiation table.

Always look to invent or find options for mutual gains that will benefit both parties. Always find a solution from the differences and be able to differentiate the person from the problem thereby being soft on the person and hard on the problem. Be able to solve their problems and not break the relationship with the person while getting a fair share with the result. When you intend to negotiate, always start with building a good relationship and stating the sides of the coin that you both stand on and how to make sure you are both on the same point of the coin without being on one side or the other.

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