Poverty Is Not A Money Problem

in LeoFinance27 days ago

In any society, people who are part of the bottom 20% can be classified as poor or let's say 10% for fairness sake because there are some people who are poor but hate being referred to as poor when in reality, that's what they are but then, the top 20% of a society is regarded as rich even though within the top 20 there are the top 10%, top 5%, top 3%, the top 1%, and there are the 1% of the 1%. For the rest who do not fall under the categories mentioned above are just at different levels of middle class.

It isn't like people who are in the bottom 20% wished to be there, no they don't and a lot of them are just victims of circumstances but the reason why they will continue to remain in that position is because while they are victims of circumstances, they have come to accept they belong there and it cannot be changed.They just accept their fate after one trial or after looking at the odds against them becoming successful and rich. When you see someone who says not all of us are meant to be rich, just know that they have accepted that they are and want to remain part of the bottom 20%.

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You can be broke doesn't mean that you are poor. As a person, it is very easy to escape being broke but it is very difficult to escape being poor because poverty is a mind game just as it is a financial game. I can have investments but not fiat cash with me, it doesn't mean that I am poor, it just means that I am broke and I can always get out of it. People who are poor believe they are destined with porverty and you would hear words like "I might be poor but I am a noble man" but in reality, there is no nobility in poverty.

When you are in the midst of poor people, one thing you would see they have in common is not willing or even having an idea to create opportunity. They always want to be spoonfed rather than take decisions tot take actions that can create opportunities for people. They just want to be at the recieving end and not the one giving. Another thing that is common among people who are poor is wanting to make money without any proper plan or reason for how, and why the money should come or what the money should be used for. When they see rich people, the only thing they want from them is money even when money alone cannot make a poor person rich.

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One thing I notice that poor people have in common is lottery children. They give birth to a number of children with the hope that one will become rich or successful amongst them instead of giving birth to the little that they can care for. The reason why they give birth to a lot of children is because they have hopes that one of them will be successful and will take care of other people in the family.

On a final note, poor people believe in hard work so much, they believe that it is the only way to get to the top but then no matter how hard they work, they remain in the same position. While hard work is able to provide the day's meat, but being able to utilize all the resources around to make better opportunities that can be used to harness more wealth is how to escape poverty. If hardwork alone was the answer, the people working in colbalt mines would be the richest today.

Poverty is an infrastructure and a problem solving problem, it is not a money problem so giving out money to the poor to help them solve poverty will not make them rich, rather it will make them lazy and not willing to leave their state because they believe the money will keep coming and they do not need to do much.

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