Traders vs Leaders

Am I a good trader? Are you a good trader? Am I a good Leader? Are you a good Leader?

Well maybe the answer is yes, maybe it is no, maybe it is maybe, the answer is in the eye of the beholder, I guess.

One thing is for sure, good or bad, alike we cannot see one second ahead, we judge, we hope, we base all of our ideas on the past because the future is not there yet for us to use as a measuring tool. We can only try to predict and guess the outcome of that...predicting a prediction.

A superpower that could be handy in the trading and the leading world could be to see just a day or so into the future, very few mistakes will stay mistakes, we will swing it around and around and another time around until we discover that we started off completely wrong, it does not matter how we swing or try to bully it to fit into our perfectly sculptured ideology, it just does not want to play ball, because it was actually never intended to play out like we wanted it to play out. So then maybe it will help if we can see a week or so into the future. Oh no the outcome is the same, maybe a month or so then, a year maybe?

Many trading accounts are in dire straights, so is the state of the world that we have to share with other ideologists.

How do we fix this broken account or the broken world? We seek advice from others that know how it should be done. Yes, after all, they know, they are good at it, right? Well, maybe it only appears to be that way.

The answer may be as simple as just to leave it alone, do not poke, provoke, do not try to change it, conquer it, bully it. It is because of a relentless effort to change and rule everything and anything that it is in the state that it is now. Leave it and carefully with utmost respect maintain it, let it gradually flow in the way that it wants to flow even if it is in the "wrong" direction. Is the "wrong" direction not the actual right direction.

My biggest prediction for the short, medium and long term is that if EVERYONE will just respect truth, stop spreading false information for personal gains or whatever agenda, we might steer towards a different outcome.

NOW. Will this different outcome be better or worse? The answer will be in the eye of the predicting beholder.


Well said, too many "experts" these days, sometimes the fundamentals are important, but the market is its own beast, owned by no one 😅

Nice to see you here on the HIVE buddy, richest blessings 🤙

Thank you, nice to see you here too.

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Thank you @lovesniper @chillwithshanna for the warm welcome and guidance, I need all the help I can get. The packet of pencils dropped a long time ago, I am the one with the broken tip (Not the sharpest pencil in the packet)

Introduction blog? I will try my best.