Consistency Is The Key To Success. The Part 1 was quite interesting, I will recommend you read through it before reading through this article for today, by clicking here. In the previous article(Part 1), I explained the two pillars of consistency, which are Patience and Beliefs. Someone who is very patient will have more tendency to be consistent because success is not achieved just in a day, it takes patience and consistency. Someone who has a belief of achieving something or becoming something is very determined and that will make such person more consistent and with time, such a person will achieve his/her success.Hello guys, your favorite girl @gifxlove is back again with the Part 2 of this interesting series,
In this article, I will be sharing with you guys, why consistency is a very important key to achieving success.

If you should take a look at every successful person in any given field, such as; sports, business, creativity works and more. You will notice that they are very consistent with their routines or practice and that has taken them to the top.
Let's take sport for instance, athletes have a rigid routine and are always consistent with that routine(training time), and that's why they become the best, earn massive income and we sit at home to watch them. They have been consistent in their practice. Let's even bring it closer to us here, the authors getting big/huge payouts are the consistent authors over time and they have become very successful in this platform. Consistency is very important to achieve success. Below are some reasons why consistency is a very important key to achieving success.
Whenever we start to become very consistent in our work, we tend to start developing a good habit called Self-Discipline, which is a trait found in almost every successful person.
Let's take for instance, you want to start learning how to play guitar. If you learn today, and then 2 weeks you learn again, and in a month time, you learn again. You are not consistent and your self-discipline towards learning it would diminish. But if you are practicing everyday at a particular time, let's a say 7pm, you would notice that you would always discipline yourself to practice everyday around 7pm. We are like computers programs, and by been consistent, we tend to expand our abilities and skills which will make us achieve success.

Builds Momentum
Achieving success requires us to be in a good momentum towards our goals. Imagine, you are in a car and you are trying to get to a place quite urgently, but when you step on your accelerator, you quickly step on brake. Do you think you will get to where you want to get to on time? The answer is a big NO, that's because you are stopping the momentum of the car speeding up, because it takes a consistency step on the accelerator for one's car to speed up.
Same thing applies with your goals/success, you need to be consistent in order to achieve your goals, if for some reason you reduce your consistency, it will have huge impact on your goal/success. But when you are consistent, you are building that good momentum to achieving your goal or success.

Rule number 1..
Show up everyday
Smiles, quite simple but also quite difficult, but very important if we want to achieve success in what we do. Lovely comment @davedickeyyall
Well said consistency is the key to success, and mysteriously although people know this, somehow they don't pay attention to it and end up being unstable in their activities either work, economic, family among others, and certainly the key to be successful is in our self-discipline.
Best regards, be well.
Hahaha, it sounds strange and weird right? I will include myself among these people, because I know for a fact that, I'm not so consistent and I really want to develop the habit of consistency and that's why I'm learning more consistency, and writing out my findings to you all, because we really need to be consistent at what we do, if we want to ever get success in what we do. Lovely comment @lupafilotaxia