Happy New Year everyone, I hope this year will be better than last year. It's been over 7 months since I last made a post and that's quite a very long time ago. I have been through a lot during that period and I guess I have come out of it, as a better, stronger and a more independent lady.

Year 2021, was a fantastic year for many people, as they achieved new highs in their life, their occupation and in their investments, but for me, 2021, wasn't all that great. I might say, it was one of my most difficult year in the last 5 years.
I will gist you guys why I was absent for over 7 months and it goes. I'm a very strong lady, I have always felt emotionally and mentally strong and I act as though nothing gets to me or so I thought. I was in a relationship with my ex fiancee for over 4 years, I loved him deeply and I thought he loved me same.
During the month of July, he suddenly broke up with me out of the blues. I thought I was dreaming. He said, he was no longer interested in our relationship. I asked why this sudden decision, I wasn't given an answer. When you ain't given an answer in such a situation, it's not good at all, because I began thinking of what I did or said wrong, but I had no clue why he made such decision. It messed me up badly.

The following month, which was August, a friend of mine, shared me a picture of a wedding invitation and behold, it was my ex who was getting married in the month of September. I was broken, I thought it was a prank or something, but it was real. I thought, I only watch this kind of things on movies and question why the ladies will be broken and say to myself, if I was the one, I will just move on and won't care. Little did I know that, it wasn't as easy as I imagined it.
I was so emotionally and mentally destroyed, that I couldn't go to work for days and before I knew it, I lost my banking job. That further broke me. I'm now without the man I loved and a job. It wasn't an easy time for me.
I'm back to writing, thanks to @menoski. He's my mentor here as he introduced to this wonderful platform. He also went through a bad experience last year as his laptop, phone and other of his items were stolen from his apartment. He's been encouraging me to get back to writing and said that, it is a good way to pour out how I feel and write on other wonderful business topics I have in my head. I'm glad I finally found the courage to start writing again. I hope it helps me get back to myself, which is a positive, strong and happy lady.

Welcome back @gifxlove. You are a strong lady, I know with time you get over this sad period. I know you are already over it.
Just try to be consistent with your write up and engage with other writers. It will take your time and it would be worth it.
Welcome back again @gifxlove