Blimey. That's a surprising one given they passed most of your recommendations.
Hopefully the loss was mostly "on paper".
The mind boggles how someone can set out to do that (maybe they didn't but just got greedy?) and be all pally pally along the way. They definitely inhabit a different universe from mine.
I'm pretty sure that what ever they've made from it won't make them happy.
Thanks for telling the story. It's good to be reminded of these things.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Exactly! I have never been so shocked, I felt blindsided by this, especially since I considered these people my friends, given the amount we communicated (both professionally and socially) every day.
And yes, I just commented this elsewhere but luckily I got in super early and since I took some profit at the peak, I think I'm actually net positive from this (by a couple hundred at most).
However, the biggest loss I incurred was definitely how much time I spent talking to the team about suggestions and essentially moderating the chatroom on Telegram. Used up hours every day which I could have been using to study!
I assume they probably didn't set out to scam, but since this was their first project, maybe they just over-promised and gave up when they realised they couldn't actually achieve any of the things they promised. Then again they may have just been lying about everything so who knows, this could have been their 10th scam already!
Hopefully this story serves as a timely reminder to be careful, as there seems to be more scams than ever right now
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta