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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 9 - Saturday 27 February 2021 - Win EDS Tokens for comments!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Thanks for the token. Every little helps!

I'm a bit all over the place with my passive income tokens. I realised this week that there are always going to be more opportunities so I need to be more systematic in what I invest in and less scattered.

One of the biggest problems I have with Leofinance is there is no search function so, for example, when I want to find out the information about a specific token I'm holding, I end up doing a Google search which often doesn't work.

An example, I have a few UTOPIS. I've read in posts that it pays out daily but I'm not receiving daily dividends. I can't find any of the original information and have no idea who to contact to check. I've already wasted a ton of time on just this token. It's very frustrating.

So in future, if I buy any tokens I'm going to make a note of what they are supposed to pay out, how often, expected APR etc. I need to be to have a benchmark to work with because I want to invest more in fewer tokens going forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm a bit all over the place with my passive income tokens. I realised this week that there are always going to be more opportunities so I need to be more systematic in what I invest in and less scattered.

I agree - although hard to do!

Here you are: Project Utopis

Big thanks for the link. 😍


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta