

Upload from mobile through, copy code to threads.

last I checked mobile uploads weren’t working so mobile users still have to go the long way

Mobile works just fine

have to use keychain and it seems to work.

Hiveauth also works.

Hivesigner is still a problem.

Sounds like I'll have to stick to the long way then. Thanks for the info.

The best way is to either use keychain and post through the browser in that app


Use Hiveauth to log in and use a browser to upload videos.

That is the best way from what mobile users are saying.

I didn't realise keychain had a browser I'll have to take a look.

Yes. The three dots at the top, upper right, and drop down menu I believe browser is the second listed.

This is what I see

That is the desktop. YOu have to look on mobile. There is no browser on desktop.

Ah. OK. Don't have it on my phone so I'll just go with the long way for now. Thanks for the help.