Hey, @taskmaster4450.
I'm in full agreement regarding the primary use case for crypto—spending it. There needs to be more to growth than just speculative investments. There needs to be a commerce engine, and I feel that HIVE is strongly suited for this.
I'm also in agreement that it will take some doing from within, rather than waiting on some major existing businesses to adopt. Unless they're still trying to innovate and experiment to grow rather than hold defensive positions (and in some case, anti-competition ones) to maintain dominance, they're more likely to fight against such change than they are to adopt it, or set out to create their own.
I like the term marketplaces. We've had some stores, but so far, they haven't gotten very far. I'm not even sure if any are still up and running.
A marketplace, though, suggests a place where people can go to find a variety of products and services from a variety of different providers. It also suggests opportunities for B2B and not just B2C.
And having multiple marketplaces competing against one another will help spur motivation, innovation and will no doubt bring in some of that investing everyone seems to want, because, hopefully, there's real word use scenarios happening there.
It is something that will really push things forward.
I am not sure why we havent seen the development of them but it is an area that is lacking at the moment.
We will see what gets created over the next 12 months.
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