1/🧵 When was the first time you learned or experienced April fool's day? and did you get to prank today or you pranked someone? #outreach #threadstorm #Aprilinleo
1/🧵 When was the first time you learned or experienced April fool's day? and did you get to prank today or you pranked someone? #outreach #threadstorm #Aprilinleo
2/🧵 I shared about my first April fool moment also the april fool transaction receipt I received, April fool is intended to be fun and annoying yet we shouldn't go to the extreme to cause danger to someone.
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We don't do that here... The first time I knew about it is from a book my dad bought for me. The first time I "experienced" it, is some time after I discovered the internet. Probably...
I always try to prank. Today I switched the main power breaker off in my house and told everyone the power went out. I took them out looking for downed lines afterwards.