in LeoFinance10 months ago

While people around the world celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day, where i’m from the government is working tirelessly to ensure Cryptocurrency is considered illegal. Such a pity in a world ever growing in such fast pace especially with emerging blockchain technologies like Hive that has been around for years waxing stronger, one can only wish the hearts of our leaders change and that more people are encouraged to delve into Blockchain tech. Well definitely not to spend 10,000 BTC on Pizza😂😂

I really wish there was a bitcoin pizza day in my country with Hive team, meeting amazing Hivers and other tech enthusiasts would be life changing, memories will be made and new connections will be created. While I lay here praying for such a day to come, I wish everyone A joyous Pizza Day❤️🥰
I should get myself some Pepperoni Pizza 😁.


#leofinance #Hive #pizzaday #bitcoin #liketu