On February 1, I powered up my 50 $HIVE, and since I wasn't able to write a post on the day of Hive Power Up Day, this is a day late.
Truth be told, I was a little down and unwell in January. One reason is that my real life was busy. I had more things to do than usual for me, such as my children's exams, lessons, and more part-time work, and I didn't have the time to feel good about myself.
In such a situation, I sometimes felt a little difficulty in dealing with Hive. As usual, the number of Hive users in Japan is small, and this has always been an unchanging issue. However, I myself do not think that small numbers are necessarily a bad thing. I think there are positive aspects, such as the ease and deep interaction in a small community.
However, given that not all people can devote a lot of time to Hive, I sometimes felt that the small number of people may have conversely made communication a burden for some people. Inevitably, we comment to the same person more often, so it may be a burden for them to reply at times.
There is also a language barrier for us Japanese to use Hive. Recently, with the development of translation tools and AI, that barrier has become much lower than before. Nevertheless, there are still a variety of opinions on the use of AI and the scope of its utilization.
I myself don't prefer (or rather, can't get my head around) simple AI-generated sentences, so I don't do it myself. But when I want to improve my own sentences, or when I can't find the right words, I sometimes consult ChatGPT for help, and I use DeepL for English translations. If I don't have just the right thumbnail image in my photo folder, I sometimes use an image generated by Leonardo.ai. That said, I know there are those who believe that AI should not be used at all, and while I don't completely agree with that opinion, I understand the sentiment.
In such a situation where the “right answer” is not only one (or does not exist), I feel it is difficult to attract new users. Hive is a free place, and I think its appeal is that anyone can participate in their own style. But on the other hand, there is also “undesirable behavior” on Hive, and it depends on what people like and what they don't like. This ambiguity can cause confusion and anxiety, especially for new users... I wanted to organize information to help new users enjoy starting (and continuing) with Hive, but it was a disappointing month because I was unable to do so.
So that's a bit of a long preamble and complaints... Despite my reflections and regrets, Hive, which contains the same complexities and difficulties as the real world, is still interesting to me, and I can't count the number of things I am grateful for and good memories from our several years of association. I will not change my mind about growing my own account and community support account here, so I hope to be a bit more active in February while accumulating more HP.
Powered up the 50$HIVE and reached 9,311 HP! I hope to reach 10,000 HP by the end of this year.
I also used v4v.app to withdraw 11$HIVE to my bitcoin lightning wallet. I used to buy and sell a few altcoins a few years ago, but now I have no interest in anything but $BTC and $HIVE😅
I will continue to focus on building up these two!
2月1日のHive Power Up Dayに、50 $HIVE をパワーアップしました。HPUD当日に記事を書けなかったのですが、せっかくなので投稿します。
実をいうと、1月は少し元気が出ない月でした。何かと忙しかったことも一つの理由です。もっとも、私の「忙しい」は一般的な基準でいえば大したことはないのですが… 私にとっては普段よりやることが多く予定が埋まりがちで、気持ち的に余裕が持てませんでした。
ただ、Hiveに多くの時間を割ける人ばかりではないことを考えると、人が少ないことで逆にコミュニケーションが負担になっている人もいるのかもしれないと思うことがあり・・・ 人が少ないと必然的に同じ人にコメントする回数が増えるので、相手にとっては時に返信が負担になることもあるかもしれません。
このように「正解」がハッキリしない(ひとつではない、存在しない)状況の中、新しいユーザーを呼び込むことの難しさを感じます。 Hiveは自由な場所であり、誰もが自分のスタイルで参加できるのが魅力だと思います。でもその一方で、Hive上で「好まれないふるまい」も存在し、何を好み、何を好まないかは人によります。この曖昧さが、特に新しいユーザーにとっては戸惑いや不安の原因になることもあります… 新しいユーザーの方が楽しくHiveを始め(続け)られるよう情報を整理したかったのですが、それができなかったことで残念な思いをした月でした。
そんなわけで少し長い前置きと愚痴になってしまいましたが・・・ 反省と後悔はあれど現実社会と同じような複雑さと難しさを含むHiveが私にはやはり面白く、数年の付き合いの中で感謝していることや良い思い出は数え切れません。ここで私自身のアカウントとコミュニティ支援アカウントを育てていきたいという考えは変わらないので、2月はもう少しアクティブに活動しながらHPを積み上げていきたいです。
50$HIVEをパワーアップし、9,311 HPに到達しました!今年中には10,000HPを達成できればと思います。
Posted Using INLEO
wow kyo big power up :D. keep it up. power up 10k next time haha
😅 I will try my best to power up 100HIVE.
o.o 1000 kyo u can do it
wow! that is a big power up. if my japanese were a little better, i would post in japanese. mine is focused on work words so...
Please feel free to post in Japanese😉