In this article, we will discuss three simple methods of testing raw gold in order to ascertain whether one is dealing with real gold.
**This may sound ordinary but it is a method of testing gold as 200 grams of a gold bar can weigh as much as when you put it inside one's pocket it is so heavy that you can feel the weight, heavier than any other metal
aside from tungsten that is also yellowish like gold but will fail the other two methods of gold test. The weight of gold is also applied in the method of Alluvial gold washing.
Gold does not break into fragments when hammered instead it smears and takes a different shape characteristically. No matter how hard raw gold is hammered it will take a different shape is a sure way of testing gold.
This test is a very reliable method of testing gold, one puts gold and tungtens in hot fire or furnace the materials will survive though red hot afterwards take it out, then place the material inside Nitric acid and hydrochloric acid,the gold will come out finer and brighter but any other materials including tungsten will be destroyed and it looses is brightness.
These are the three simple methods of testing gold as we will see how the law of gravity is applied in Alluvial gold mining in other Articles that follows.
Okay reading through now. For gold test do we only have three ways or there are other ways apart from this
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There might be other few ways but these are the standard ways to test the genuineness of raw gold. These methods outline are methods adopted by Gold Refinery for, instance, the weight method tells you that you are dealing with pure gold without wasting your time, having to go through rigorous tests and the nitric acid method turns the material's color into black instead of shining yellowish color, also used in Gold Refinery to clean the gold in order to wash away any impurities. In other articles to follow I will briefly discuss how to test gold Bar.
There are gold nuggets, gold dust, and Bar the test process is the same for nuggets and dust but for gold bar is different. These are the sure methods, you can never go wrong and I do not know of other methods.
Thanks for reading.
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