And I’m not too happy about it, because he had all these big coming out moments with other people, but he didn’t even come out with me, so I feel like I missed it.
During Christmas, he just shows up, gay, and that’s it!
“He’s here, he’s queer, get used to it!” but I didn’t even get that, it was more like a tumble weed blew into town, without all the cool visuals of a tumble weed. I always thought that when he finally came out we would have some touching moment or something; I would be on his side yelling, “fuck the man!” but no!
And the family that always said they would disown a gay kid... Well, they still owned two, as if nothing ever happened and the only reason I knew any of this was because my brother briefly mentioned a few things over the phone.
So, during Christmas, everybody was so busy, that it took like three days before my nephew and me could get away from the crowd to talk and to my shame I even tried to force the moment. He volunteered to go pick up Chinese food for everyone and he needed someone to show him the way, so even though I can barely see, I jumped at the chance.
On the way, he was just laughing at all my stupid coments, but I kept thinking, “He’s got to tell me or at least mention it, right?” but no! And by the time we were half way there, I couldn’t take it any more and I just blurted it out,
“I heard you came out of the closet!
“Yeah...” he responded as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I pleaded, but I received no response, so I continued “I mean, I wanted to be able to get all dramatic, yelling out ‘No nephew of mine!’ and I wanted to mention Adam and Steve too!”
He just began laughing and before I knew it, we were at the Chinese restaurant; moment gone! I’m not sure if he thought I was joking or not.
Sarah says that the reason he never came out to me was because of a conversation we had five years earlier; just before I moved to the UK. He asked my opinion on bisexuality in sort of a negative way as if he was testing the waters and I replied,
“Everyone has intrusive thoughts, but that doesn’t make them bisexual, I think it depends more on what they actually want. But let’s say if you or your sister where bisexual, I wouldn’t care, because none of that stuff really matters.”
I know what you’re thinking, “Gonzo is like a guru master when talking to teens!,” but why the fuck didn’t I add that you at least have to come out to me too?
Sarah says that it’s because of that conversation and that he never felt like he had to come out to me or even though he didn’t actually say anything, he actually did come out to me on that day or something even more mysterious, who knows, Sarah says a lot of stuff that’s hard to follow.
Maybe he just didn’t want to have to go through with it again, because I heard that there was a major blow up when he came out to the rest of his extended family. And one of the Grandparents got so angry that they decided to celebrate Thanksgiving in the car outside of my nephews house, while waiting for the driver to finish watching football and eating Thanksgiving dinner.
So part of me feels like I kind of abandoned my nephew and the he needed me around for moments like that. Also, we’re not that close any more, it’s always been hard to get him to open up about things, but now it feels like there is a wedge between us, but that might just be due to the weird phases that people go through at his age. I’m hoping that him and his sister might want to spend the summer in the UK with me, but, at the moment, that seems a bit far fetched.
So have any of you ever experienced a coming out of the closet on either side and is there a LGBTQ community here on Hive?
Also, if any of you want a Hive Punk for Free, here is a link to the Punk Giveaway.
Helpful Links:
- Punk Legends - Discord Server
- Blockhead Games – Official Hive Punks & HiveCraft Discord Server
- Punks on Hive - Market
- Link to My Punks – Make an Offer – I Buy, Sell and Trade Punks
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Perhaps, in your nephew's mind, he came out to you 5 years ago. And you passed the test so perfectly, you never even realized you'd taken it. In that mindset, he came out to you years before anyone else.
It's not a conversation you can force out of him ... and chances are, the conversation will occur naturally, without you even realizing it's happening ... until it's already happened.
As a side note: In many countries, I don't think it'll be that long before someone is no longer assumed to favour the opposite sex. They are just going to favour the person that makes them feel the happiest.
Thank you, that is really nice to hear.
It's weird how disconnected I feel from him, but it's good to write all this out. Do you have much experience with gay people that you're close too?
I think it might be a little more common in urban Canadian Cities. Or, I might just be in the right place at the right time. 🤗
Growing up, I had neighbours and friends who were gay. As I got a little older, I had cousins that came out. I've dated someone who was bi. When I went to University, I worked in the residence for two years as a resident assistant where I met/helped many folks that were coming out. One of my best friends is gay. One of my kiddo's are bi.
One of my wife's best friends is Amanda Knox. If you want to read a very interesting story about different form of coming out. Her blog and subsequently her book are revealing.
At the very least, I'm quite comfortable about the subject.
Probably a better experience than some I’ve had.
Growing up we had a buddy that we all knew was gay. No one literally cared at all. One day when we were all drinking I put the poor guy up on trial. “Like dude, we all know you’re gay. We don’t care. We support you. Just fucking tell us already.”
Needless to say it was very awkward.
Did things get better after that, as in your relationship?
No not really lol. It made it more distant for a bit. We mended after that though.
Sorry to notify you like this, but I'm not sure how to reach you and I am interested in purchasing or trading for one of your punks.Hey @alpha
Also, I started a Punk fan club called Punk Legends to help build utilities and a community and you are welcome to join, here is a link:
Hi, unfortunately I'm not looking to trade any of my punks right now (in part because doing so would require me to update my accounting system to account for profits from the sales, which would probably cost more than any potential profit right now).
Thank you for getting back to me and please keep me in mind if you ever do decide to let one go, so I can finish my collection and I don't mind trading a much rarer punk to make it worth you while.
Also, it's nice to meet you, I just realized that you are a big investor or maybe even a programmer for Hive and it's rare that I get to speak to people like you, so thanks for taking time out to respond.
lovely answer xD
damn, I wish someone would make so many thought for me or my little sister
but we are cast out and partly homeless cuz we didnt want to take the vaxx (I already have permanent pain and she just DOES NOT WANT - which is not enough to be taken seriously nowadays?
A claim on a body was called slavery not long ago)