That was really funny, Sarah is sleeping right next to me and I accidentally woke her up laughing and I'm not sure why but this line:
So you vote me, yes, or I starvation all over the floor on you
Made me laugh way too hard.
Btw would you be interested in joining my discord channel: Punk Legends?
It's mainly for investing into NFTs like Punks, Splinterlands, Rising Star and other NFTs, but now it's turned more into hang out spot.
I have brain condition that messes up my vision, so I tend to miss a lot of posts so this channel is an easy way for me to keep in contact with all my friends and you're welcome to come hang out anytime and to promote your posts in there, so I can see them.
Appreciate the invite but I don't use discord. Almost six years here and for the most part just keep to myself. I'm good with wandering the halls of Hive. I rarely post nowadays anyway. Too much shit on my plate...
Tell Sarah I'm sorry. Then tell her I'm sorry again for waking her up twice.
I understand, those are the only two social medias that I use. I've seen you around so much over the last six years and I'm really glad that we finally met and I will try to keep an eye out for when you decide to post again..
Thanks for the chit-chat. See you around.