With my limited data of a link to my post, on how to by pass AI detection I post as response to their comments declaring AI was used for the content, 15 out of 18 clicks are from non-English speaking countries.
This discourages people, often from poor countries, to create content in English that helps them earn.
Targeted members, like myself, will be continuously driven away from creating content and engaging. People I engage with like @jongolson are not notified of my responses because the Hive overlords insist I jump threw their hoops or be bllacklistedI suggest @khaleelkazi and his team try to make InLeo more autonomous from the heavily centralized Hive system.
I love the job you guys have done and will continue my support as I think this is the best Web3 social media platform but @hivewatchers de-incentivizes people to engage.
I have tried to discuss this with @hivewatchers but of course was put on limited access to their Discord.
The very first time I came across HiveWatchers, I was interested in the idea of someone watching out for and addressing people who blatantly break big rules such as plagiarism, illegal content, etc.
Come to find out, that's a minority of what they do. Most of their actions are simply driving people away from the platform, often those who are not entirely clear on their ever-changing "rules" and those who want to maintain their privacy here.
It's a shame that their proposal continues getting funded. They're literally getting paid to prevent Hive from growing the way it should grow.
Fortunately, no downvotes exist on InLeo. You're still capable of earning through their 2nd layer token. Spammers will be rooted out simply by a lack of votes. Problem solved!
There are downvotes on InLeo, you just need to hold LEO stake.
Didn't realize that could actually be done. I suppose I was under the wrong impression this entire time!
I don't always agree with your posts, but I do Agree with your right to post them!
Fight the man. Just tag @jongolson in every one of your posts.
Problem solved.
Illegitimi non carborundum!
I pretty much disagree with everything my friend says but I will fight for his ability to say it! That was the dream of this decentralized stuff in the first place!
Amalgamation of opposing views is the way!
They are a big reason we can't get people to stick around. They have it backwards, it's not people's job to cater to Hivewatchers, they should be catering to the community.