My Greatest Achievement On LeoFinance = 100,000 LEO Staked!

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

HODL 1.png

Today marks a momentous achievement for me!

Getting to a staked 100k LEO tokens has been an arduous and rewarding adventure for me but this is just one of the many milestones I have set for myself. For nearly 2 years I have been on LeoFinance learning and blogging. I've come to find great value in this community and have built some valuable relationships and discovered people who I enjoy learning from. I owe much of my commitment to LEO token thanks to 10 of the top content creators on this platform. Some of the most influential posts I've read come from the following members in no particular order (although I have to admit @scaredycatguide has spent countless hours on his free calls teaching me):

@scaredycatguide @oldtimer @taskmaster4450 @tbnfl4sun @onealfa.leo @dalz @khaleelkazi @whatsup @edicted @forexbrokr

If you aren't following these guys you are missing out. Almost as important to learn from them is the thought and research they put into each post. There are posts that give me ideas, make me laugh, take action and help me think about the much larger picture and possibilities for the world of crypto as an asset and its effects on the people and economies.

How Did I Get To The 100K Staked?

Well it wasn't easy... I started with a 3 hour call with @scaredycatguide who helped me onboard and walked me through the steps of putting in fresh capital from Coinbase. Moving it into Uniswap, then converting to WLEO and finally LEO. Once I realized there was an option to create content I was hooked and created my first post within days of funding my new account with $2,000 USD (9k LEO at the time).

Since then I have seen LEO go as high as $1.20 at which point I moved half into Cub Defi where It has continued to grow and compound for me. Once a week I take those sweet CUB rewards and convert them over to BLEO then using the Wrapped LEO UI page -> Bring them over into LEO and stake.


Yes, timing has had a lot to do with this strategy and I have consistently bought BLEO whenever it hits the range of .21-.25 cents, otherwise I hold the CUB until BLEO hits my buying range. It doesn't hurt that I recently sold one of my properties at the beginning of the year and was able to purchase some additional CUB/BUSD which drastically increased the amount of CUB I am earning.

What If You Don't Have $2,000 To Start With?

I thought about this question a lot and it is the reason I built my real estate training company in the first place. I've always been obsessed with how to make more money and invest it. Over the years I discovered that selling, building businesses and investing in real estate (crypto and Stocks more recently) has one underlying common theme and that is COMMITMENT to success.

If you don't yet have the money to invest and don't even have the money to buy courses to learn how to invest. I still run a free training every Saturday at 10am to teach new business owners and investors how to earn extra money for investing. You can register to join my live calls at completely free and mention that you are coming from LeoFinance to get a high five from me, @Scaredycatguide and @Leoschein!


On a side note, I am a big fan of the crypto language I have picked up. Both the words smashed together, cut apart, and their definitions. While I was writing this post I kept thinking about my 2 favorites.

Diamond Hands

The term “diamond hands” can refer either to holding your asset with hands as hard as a diamond or holding your asset until it becomes as valuable as a diamond. By contrast, someone with “paper hands” is someone who sells too early. They take losses because they folded easily.

I Had To Google What It Means To HODL

scaredycatguide.comHere is what I found. HODL is sometimes explained as an acronym standing for "hold on for dear life" or some variation. While these etymologies occasionally do a good job of capturing the phrase's meaning. As @scaredycatguide likes to point out in his live calls, they are not how it originated. HODL comes from a fortuitous typo in 2013. If you haven't checked out his free crypto training calls you can find them at


What it means is open to interpretation and each investor will eventually come to a version that fits them. I prefer to think beyond the letters and instead "feel" the meaning of Hodling deep in my investor's heart. It means we have put our stake in the ground and no matter what we will HOLD ON for our DREAM LIFE.

I don't say "to the moon" often, but when I do, it's in reference to LEO and the larger LeoFinance ecosystem.

Follow for Truth @GualterAmarelo

Cheers to your success!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Congratulations on your success 💪

@repayme4568 thank you my friend! I see so much potential on this platform and want to encourage our community to get fresh capital into LEO while it is still in my favorite buying range!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It worth it and you deserve it, 🤗

Gualter, my man!

100K is huge, congrats :)

I've spoken about what gives Hive-Engine tokens like LEO value in the past and you're a prime example that backs up my point.

You were outside money, that saw the potential of being able to market your successful business to an extremely targeted, niche crypto interested community.

Instead of paying for ad space like on Facebook, you've taken a huge stake in the community via the LEO token, thus giving you a vested interest in all of our success.

You tastefully promote your business while getting involved in and supporting the community.

I love what you're doing and it wont be long until other businessmen like yourself, notice the potential of what we are building here on LeoFinance and take similar stakes.

I'll let you do the tokenomics math on what it would take to move the price of our relatively low supply LEO token in a northward direction if even just a few more took 100K off the market.

Keep up the great work and I'll see you around the community :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@forexbrokr I remember this article you wrote to months ago and it gave me a whole new perspective on the use-value of blogging here.

I've been working with @scaredycatguide on how we can attract more long-term investors and influencers to LeoFinance to increase the strength of the community, value of the token and overall depth of content that is created here. He is always comparing LeoFinance to the SeekingAlpha of crypto blogging!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations. That is an amazing accomplishment, one that will set you up nicely for the path to 200K.

We need diamond hands and those who are committed to making the platform better. I am glad you are here and participating.

Another one in the 6 figure club.

Who is next?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@taskmaster4450le you are right! It's comments like these and your obsessive belief and understanding of how HIVE works and is constantly evolving that inspire me to keep improving the content I put out and my staked position.

This community is very lucky to have such a driven entrepreneur on here encouraging and educating! I love that statement, "Another in the 6 figure club" and the epic follow-up question, "WHOS NEXT!"

Cheers to your continued success my friend!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cheers to your continued success my friend!

It is our success. None of us are in this alone. We all have a hand to play and, actually, we will only excel collectively.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I love this mindset! We are all in this together!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

At first I would love to congratulate your for this achievement. Everyday I get impressed with crypto currency. I've hold small earnings in my coinbase wallet, I'm new here and still learning about leo finance. Your blog is an inspiration for we new comers, this success is not yours this success also of @scaredycatguide who guide you and spend 3 hours long conversation over phone to guide you, so you get an angel guide who guide you properly to achieve success.

I wish you more success in this field. Enjoy making more crypto that ensure our financial freedom.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for this very thoughtful comment! I just checked your page and noticed that you have many followers and are reposting other authors content! Great job on your continued success as well!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My pleasure sir and thank you so much for taking time to visit my profile, my followers are from steemit and I'm active there since November 2020 and joined November 2017 (was inactive 2 years) I just came back to hive this November with the hope of having good support like I get in steemit. I want to grow up my HIVE POWER as I worked hard for increasing STEEM POWER. Huge thanks for supporting me as a curator in this platform. Stay blessed! Have a nice day!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Impressive! Great job! In my opinion Leo is just about to start grinding back up again. Demand catching up to the supply so hopefully you got it staked just in time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think that why a lot of users are turning back from other Hive tokens to Leo. This community is one of the only ones to constantly make new things and updates regularly, the others make one big change and don't do anything for a trimester.

I'll try to buy some before the price goes too high :')

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's why I've put most my energy into Leo, not all of it.. but a lot of it.

They work hard, they learn, they improve and they build. I love it.

I hope to see more of that in the others tribes, that would be awesome to have new users to come. They could bring people interesting in something else than Finance

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@whatsup I agree with you! I've seen you packing on a stronger position in LEO and am following your lead! Keep creating awesome content! I love reading your stuff!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulation on hitting 100k! That's an interesting strategy with the CUB to BLEO and now that I have enough CUB, I think I should do that too. Lots to learn for me.

It's a tough call now that we know there is a PolyCub airdrop coming with the new IDO for CUB holders! But I can remember a few points where the CUB price hit .80 cents and was buying nearly 4 BLEO for every token!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations!!! That is an awesome milestone.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks my friend! I am hoping this post will encourage more to set the goal!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congrats to understand the value with the community
I wish there are more like you out there.
Keep up the good work.
100k Leo is a good number
I wish to follow you soon


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are well on your way in LEO and I am looking to reach what you've done with HIVE!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow that's greatly impressive.


Congrats bro!

Hey man congrats!
Thanks for the shout out!
You have been a great new adition around here :)


Congratulations to you sir, the sky is not limit. My goal for now is 50k which is very possible before the end of next year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

50k is an awesome goal and totally attainable!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

100k LEO Power is a massive stride. Congratulations man. Great step in the right direction.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

as someone who has been staking Leo for over 1 year I can see how much of an achievement this is. Congratz! :)

@tobetada you are crushing it on the HIVE side! I am inspired by what you've been able to accomplish there!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I like that world, Diamond hand. That's what I have,I do hold crypto for years beside I don't sell crypto currency any, instead I swap it to use and buy another token. That's a world of encouragement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So happy for you buddy. I've been working my own similar journey with my sports blog at Sports Talk Social, earning and staking SPORTS tokens. To be honest, initially it was all about just making HIVE earlier this year but I've since realised that the HIVE community is amazing. My HIVE blog was just to supplement my website but I now build everything to do with my sports blog with the HIVE platform in mind. All my blog revenue outside of HIVE now goes into buying more HIVE. I do wish I did this a lot earlier but it was only once I stopped caring about just earning HIVE that I realised the true value of the wider community. Thanks for sharing.

@wolfgangsports You've got the right idea about HIVE my friend! I intend to start acquiring more HIVE with some fresh capital from my training business. I'll let CUB and LEO keep growing the way it is, but I really want to get more HIVE as well!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the shout-out, I have been pretty laid back lately and even feel guilty about not being so active. Congrats on hitting that milestone, you deserve it for all the dedication you have here. I'm still stacking silver gold and Bleo too. I will probably move it back here to curate after a while so I can reduce my exposure in the pools.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@tbnfl4sun even when you aren't producing content you are a big part of this community! I am looking forward to seeing you get back into posting!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Big achievement! I can see LEO being worth over 1 USD long term for sure.

Glad to see others are powering up and building the community more and more.

You are very right! I think $1 is still very conservative for Leo's potential. Especially with @khaleelkazi making it easier and easier to onboard new investors into our ecosystem!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulation for that, this is a really huge achievement !

You next target is the Million 😅
I hope to be able to have only the half of what you have in years :') !PIZZA

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@ykretz.leo thank you my friend! 1MM LEO would be a hell of an accomplishment! I see a couple of guys ahead of me, which means it is at least possible to get there!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wish you to join them 😉 !PIZZA

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A very lovely article , well explained and I hope I start making the best of this platform. Thanks bruh


LeoFinance community is blessed to have you :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow impressive, might be someday I will reach to that level.

Congrats on your achievement and crazy strategy to use one asset to stake on another that you believe in. I try to HODL on both CUB and LEO ;)))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@behiver I am will you on the craziness of the strategy, lol. Everytime I sell CUB a small part of my dies, but I plan on getting fresh capital into CUB now that it is within my buying range again! Just in time fore the new PolyCub Airdrop!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, nice job! I was really excited when I hit that 10k mark. I can't even imagine hitting the 100k point. You are absolutely next level from me! Congrats on your achievement and investing in the platform!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@Bozz 10K is a huge accomplishment! The more you stake, the easier it gets to grow because of the compounding effect! We will see you at 100K SOON!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope so! Thank you!

Many congratulations, it's nice to have a big stash of something!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Of all the utility tokens I've looked at. LEO has to be the biggest value out there and I believe it's only it's onboarding process that is keeping it our little hidden gem. Once @khaleelkazi is able to continue the progress on streamlining the onboarding. This coin is going to the MOOON!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've bought a few thousand today, it seems VERY CHEAP ATM, although I'm all about the pools rather than powering up, my stake is really just symbolic TBH!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with you 100% on the reason behind staking LEO. Mostly I want to be able to contribute on the platform and show my appreciation for the other contributed that I gain value from.

The Pools are where I am earning the majority of my crypto income, but I can't deny that the 16% APR that I get from voting on the posts I like is still an important part of my relatively passive income stream.

The LEO that we get from create posts and commenting is an added bonus to the mix and adds up to 100-200 LEO per week, which could one day become significant as this platform continues to evolve.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's certainly the most successful dapp on Hive after splinterlands, I'm happy to be diversifying back into it now!

I quite like this new BXT pool too I must say!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with you! Splinterlands is another great dapp on HIVE and I recently bought into the XChaos pack!

I cant wait for the air drops to start coming through!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great milestone! Well done and congrats! That will look really good when LEO goes back to a dollar and higher :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations for achieving your target of 1,00,000 Leo staked. It is not a small thing. You bought 9000 LEO. How did you make 91000 Leo?

@mgibson you raise a very good question! Most of it was through trading and CubFinance.

When LEO got to $1.20 I powered down 5k LEO and moved it into CUBFinance. From there I learned about Pancake swap and road CAKE from $20 up to $40. I moved all of my CAKE into CUB/BUSD which was somewhere around $10k at this point and that has been earning me a strong yield for nearly 6 months.

Recently I heard about the PolyCub play and moved all of my BUSD liquidity into CUB when the coin was .45 cents and road it to .80 cents. At that point, I sold half of my CUB into BUSD and began Pooling again at a much higher yield.

As CUB has slowly continued to drop I shifted all assets into CAKE which I saw at $10 as a crazy buying opportunity. It recently went up to $13 at which point I sold half and moved some into BLEO and the rest straight into CUB.

Those were some of my big plays that helped with the major steps, but in between, it has been occasionally adding fresh capital when LEO members were selling their coins. I would offer to purchase them in cash via Venmo or cash app and they sent over the LEO. I probably bought a good 10k LEO this way as the coin was coming down in price.

So Overall most of it has been holding onto tokens that I felt were overpriced and moving out of them when I felt they became underpriced. I didn't mention that I did invest $40k of fresh capital into CUBFinance when it launched and I've been using the CUB to buy Leo through dollar-cost averaging.

My LEO holdings aren't my biggest position in Crypto, but they are my favorite!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations! That's a combination of perfect timing, adequate knowledge and awesome counsel. You did good.

Wow congratulations. I have been doing the opposite and moving some LEO over to CubFinance to compound. However at some point, I do plan on converting some CUB into LEO to increase my stake. It probably won't be as much as your investment or earnings though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You've got the right idea my friend. My goal when I took money from LEO to put into CUB was always to bring it back with twice as much as I originally pulled out. Fortunately with the fluctuation in LEO price I was able to buy back 5X the LEO with the same funds I used to grow on CUB.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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This was really great to read. I can't imagine having that type of stake in such a short amount of time. It proves your commitment is for real.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

congratulations! you have reached a very nice milestone

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great story and it shows hard work pays off. One doesn't need an investment, but it does take longer to reach certain goals. Leo will go up in value so what you have is ore than a sound investment as it is a usable investment that can make more and more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations on your success.

IT is very nice see people reaching the goals.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

great accomplishment here on leo. i admire you strategy in building your lp with cub by getting in at good entry points. truly impressive. Hope to my target for 2021 and do much better in the coming year

It takes patience a belief in both projects. I love LEO and I love CUB so every time I move between them it is a little be sad for me, but when I see one of my favorite coins over-priced I know as an investor it's my job to sell-off and move into the under-priced project to create stability.

"Never move with the masses... Stabilize them..."

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, indeed. It's about been less emotional and taking hold of certain opportunities

Congratulations for making it so far! I know how hard is it trying my own hand in LEO. Hope you'd be a great curator and help to make LEO even better :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congrats on your achievement.

That is allot of LEO to have staked.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Holly cow 100k! My goal was 75k and I'm still far off it I need to commit like you did! Congrats on the huge milestone.

@bitcoinflood 75k is an epic goal! There are so many ways to get there and once staked, you'll be able to spread the value across to the valuable content creators to encourage them to spend more time creating great SEO-friendly content!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Boom! It has been an epic journey thus far and is well on its way to legendary! We shall keep growing this community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hell yea man! We are just getting started!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey, Can someone reading this post a rich list please? Or what is the easiest way to find it?

Say top 50..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Here is an article @aslehansen put out today with the top 100 Movers and shakers!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks! I'm even tagged in it and didn't get the notification.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are welcome! I noticed you are on the list and keep gaining position!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's getting harder to keep up! It used to be if I bought a little it moved me right up the list, now my little purchases are barely keeping me in it.

I've got to up my game!

BEERHey @gualteramarelo, here is a little bit of from @pouchon for you. Enjoy it!

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Congratulations! That's an awesome milestone. Also nice to see that you are a bit more active on Leofinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations, what an achievement! Really like the strategy of pairing CUB with LEO to boost long-term savings as well as feeding profits back into LEO when you're in the 'buy zone'.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations. Big achievement!Lets celebrate🤑🤩

Your achievement is very impressive.
The Leofinance Community is truly growing wide and deep.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta