The Mindset To Become An EXPERT In Sales & Marketing

in LeoFinance3 years ago

In today’s podcast Gualter Amarelo gladly introduces the one and only Vinney “smile Chopra. A syndicator expert, who wrote the book: Apartment Syndication Made Easy and Gualter also mentioned that he learned a lot from him. Just a few seconds of this video is so powerful it blows me away by the messages and positivity of Gualter and Vinney.

They are sharing the secret to success is all about mindset. It is the reason why Vinney reached his goal of 250 million dollars now 600 million net worth. They also clarify that it is not the technical where most people think it is, but it is the mindset.

Vinney Smile Chopra

Is a well-known real estate investor, motivation speaker, marketing strategist, and many more. One of the greatest rags to riches stories, he went to the USA more than 40 years ago with nothing but $7 in his pocket. At that time Vinney is a mechanical engineer and surviving his day-to-day expenses by selling encyclopedias and other books door to door.

He fell in love with sales long before he got his MBA, so once he got it he decided that there is no turning back now, and quickly decided to change his whole career. With hard work and a positive attitude, he went from $7 to a multi-millionaire that is giving motivation to other aspirants and giving them hope to succeed and bring a positive impact to the world.

As Gualter ask Vinney how did he start having this big mindset?

And as the above information, you can see that Vinney’s life is not a bed of roses he started from the bottom. But challenges and trials can't bring him down. He emphasizes that he just let his mind think bigger. Being a child, we are always looking for something to experience and experiment with because we are not afraid of the world but as we grow older the world puts limitations in us and we put our own limitations in our minds. Having limitations will make your subconscious seal you in a box, and all you have to do is let your mind get out of the box and tear everything apart.

Hearing the answer of Vinney to the question Gualter easily gets that it seems like Vinney is comparing a human’s mindset to a computer because Vinney is an engineer and he knows how the computer works. Vinney added, that it is what Gualter is saying. Clear the negativity of the mind then put the new program of positivity, and Vinney actually just made a new book about it titled: Positivity Brings Profitability.

He wrote his 2nd book quickly and he wants to expand so that more people can reach the positive thinking method and get out of their comfort zone. Think 100x, just like 10x from Grant Cardone’s campaign. Vinney will use it to reach further and influence many online.

Join My Mission To Build 100 Millionaires!

As many of you know, I built my wealth through Real Estate and only now learning more about cryptocurrencies. I've found Leofinance to be a great place to share my insights and although I don't claim to be an expert in Crypto, I am considered a leading expert in small multi-family investing.

52 Weeks to Wealth.jpg

Each week I share my hard-earned insights on wealth building with anyone who will listen! I call this journey through the 52 wealth principles "The 52 Weeks To Wealth".

To join my mission and get access to over 30+ Real Estate & Wealth Building Courses for FREE at

Thank You To This Community!

I provide these insights as a way to give back and help others who find themselves on the same journey I was when I got started. I want to say thank you to the Leofinance community for giving me the opportunity to learn more about Crypto as well as to the creators and team for providing many great avenues for investors to grow their wealth and knowledge in one easy place.

Cheers to our success!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Vinney Smile Chopra
Is a well-known real estate investor, motivation speaker, marketing strategist, and many more. One of the greatest rags to riches stories, he went to the USA more than 40 years ago with nothing but $7 in his pocket. At that time Vinney is a mechanical engineer and surviving his day-to-day expenses by selling encyclopedias and other books door to door.

I'm really overwhelmed by the CV of Vinney and his working experience in the Real Estate business is worth learning from. As I went through this video, I saw simplicity and humility impersonified. Learning from humble people, gives you the opportunity to assimilate everything and become a better person.

In the same vein, I'll say that reading just a little about @gualteramarelo and your vision and the mission to train and achieve 100 millionaires has changed my mentality. Being poor doesn't guarantee you to end up small or poor. Having a positive and resilient mindset is key to success.

Thanks for sharing, I'll join the mission in making my own contributions from my end.

We are on a mission together to build 100 Millionaires who are inspired to build 100 Millionaires!

I'm glad to come around to meet the man with the heart of gold and ready to fulfill destiny mandate. You're one in a million.

Thanks for the reply.

@inspiredbyhive Hell Yea! This is an awesome takeaway and I love that you have the same mindset to focus on building your wealth so you can one day share what you have learned with others!

We are on a mission together to build 100 Millionaires who are inspired to build 100 Millionaires!

Cheers to our success!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

100% - Mindset is crucial and as mentioned, we are programmed like computers from an early age.

I’ve coached people who became millionaires but I don’t have their net worth, primarily because of my own mindset so this year I’m working to clear my own mental obstacles and blockages.

Once I’ve done that, real estate is definitely on my agenda :)

@makerhacks It is such a powerful awareness that you have coached and guided others to become millionaires, yet we are normally unaware of our own blind spots.

Some of the hardest work we can do as people who are looked to for advice is to seek the advice of a coach. I know in my own personal journey it was difficult for me to hire coaches at first.

The real change came when I realized that I already knew the right steps to take and yet wasn't taking them.

At that moment I discovered that there was more than just knowing what to do that mattered. It was also being held accountable for doing those right things.

I am glad to see you are focusing on yourself so you can continue your work to build more millionaires!

You can reach out to me privately on anytime and feel free to bounce ideas or share your challenges and accomplishments.

Cheers to our success my friend!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

To me being a religious fanatics is a problem to being successful in life and career. According to him, his Hindu but he reads the bible and other books to inspire his mind.

Negativity is actually more problematic to our advancement. Positive thinking and mindset sets us on edge over others in our society.

The first thing to do to succeed is removing the can't and impossible from our vocabularies and embrace the I can and Possibilities into our mindset and vocabulary, then we're ready to learn and grow to the peak of success in life.

Each week I share my hard-earned insights on wealth building with anyone who will listen! I call this journey through the 52 wealth principles "The 52 Weeks To Wealth".

I still see selflessness in all your doing towards empowering others that are not originally from your family. Today, I know that I'm part of your extended family on the Leofinance community.

I provide these insights as a way to give back and help others who find themselves on the same journey I was when I got started.

I'm very glad to know you and to experience the good work you're doing here.

Lastly, I'll say that you've been inviting great minds that are an epitome of success. For us to be totally ready for success in the financial realm, we need such men around us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@faquan very well said, my friend! Creating a positive mindset and environment around ourselves is the key to achieving the things we desire in life.

The cure to solving many of the world's challenges is to get more people to focus on building wealth and supporting others to do the same.

With more people focused on building up and supporting others we can solve even the most complex challenges together!

Thank you for your continued commitment to learning, taking action, and sharing your results!

Cheers to our success!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you my coach and mentor, I'm delighted to have you around and I'll not take the previllege for granted.

I'll not stop until I get to the top and create an avenue for others to join me at the top.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta