This Is Not A Crypto Or Real Estate Post, But I've Made Tax Free Money!

in LeoFinance3 years ago


I was recently reviewing my networth, of which Real Estate and Business make up the majority of my holdings. In fact, I will share with you the high level of what that looks like:

My Personal Investment Portfolio

Now as impressive as this level of networth may seem to many of our new and young investors, it took me years to build my real estate portfolio and my real estate training company has been growing for the last 4 years. It actually started out as more of a passion project than an actual business. Stocks ironically are something I have invested in for nearly 20 years, but have clearly had no luck in until I started treating them the way I do real estate. As far as Crypto goes, I owe all of my success to @scaredycatguide and to this amazing Leofinance community for showing me the way!

Back To The Point Of This Post And The Main Image Above

I was reviewing one of my minor accounts that I only look at once per year when it's time to fund the account and choose an investment for it. I am talking about my ROTH IRA, which is a tax-free way to invest in the US.

Before I go further, I have to give a big thanks to @leoschein and @DarinaPogodina for encouraging me to create and fund a Roth IRA 2 years ago! For years I had ignored the Roth IRA because you could only contribute $6k per year and in my head, that would never be enough to make any kind of significant enough growth... PS, I don't offer any kind of advice around IRA's, just blown away by what I've been able to do with it.

Boy was I wrong!

Why is this account outperforming my other stock investments?

It's because my ROTH is made up of only 3 companies and they are the companies that I purchased as a Super High Risk with Massive Growth potential.

Now, this is NOT financial advice and I want to be clear that these investments, although extremely speculative were also very well researched.

I am blessed to have a powerful mastermind between @ScaredyCatGuide (Mitchell Jaworski) and @LeoSchein (Michael Schein) where we bounce investment ideas each week.

Many of you have seen the 100 Millionaires Podcast, which is normally a brief summary of the conversations we have on Wednesday mornings.

Getting Back To How It Started

2 years ago, we decided to dive into some tech, battery, AI, and other related penny stocks.


After much review, research, and following Mike's lead, I jumped into a battery storage company that was trading between .03 and. 04 cents. It reached .99 cents by the end of the market close today. 🤯

There were many times that I considered selling this investment because the gains have far exceeded my expectations, but I've always held it because I invested such a small dollar amount, to begin with. (Relative to me)

The second company was one of Mike's Favorites and I'm sure you can guess what it is (If you haven't caught our conversations on the podcast the answer is TESLA). I bought a few more shares today in the dip, lol

The Next Opportunity I Am Gambling On In My ROTH

The third, which I just funded my Roth with this year's contribution was Zillow. A company I have admired and even competed against over the years.

For a very long time, I regretted not investing in the Company, and when the stock tanked down to $70 per share I jumped in.

This week I saw the stock go as low as $46 per share and decided it was time to buy more, but decided to do it in my ROTH.

My Take-Aways From This Experience

Since I can't touch this money for the next 19 years, it really helps me with having a long-term perspective on companies that show massive growth potential.

YES, primarily my wealth has been built through Real Estate and Businesses, but I have also gained access to friends and masterminds, as well as increased cashflows from various streams.

I continue to learn more about alternative investments like stocks and Crypto.

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Building has put me in the unique position of having the best advisors in any investment class and thanks to them my wealth continues to grow effortlessly and I am able to bring their wisdom to our millionaire building platform!

May you always see the opportunities when others see blood in the streets 🤙

Follow For Truth @GualterAmarelo

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You can use the Roth IRA to purchase real estate. There are companies that will lend to the Roth IRA. So you can use the Roth contribution as the downpayment. Then the Roth borrows the rest including renovation funds. The Roth sells the flip with zero tax and the the small nest egg is now much larger.

Absolutely! You can roll the ROTH into a Self-Directed account and use it to invest in Real Estate or Crypto as well. Equity Trust is a company that does this for many of the investors I have borrowed from in the past and they have been very easy to work with.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

wow @gualteramarelo your results are amazing. Do you invest based purely on fundamental analysis or do you also apply technical analysis?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@dedicatedguy good question my friend. I choose an investment purely on fundamental analysis, but I choose my funding opportunities through technical analysis.

Once I have chosen a project or company to invest in, I will make a small purchase, but then increase my positions if I see a technical overselling arise.

For the most part, I will stack up cash until I see a good enough entry point and primarily focus on growing the income from my businesses so I always have a strong enough cash position to make investments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

have you looked into a Crypto Roth IRA where you can trade crypto tax free within the ROTH IRA? ITrust is a popular one

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@yieldgrower now this is a VERY cool strategy! Thanks for sharing it here!

Its a really great way to skip the whole tracking for taxes thing.

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it took me years to build my real estate portfolio and my real estate training company has been growing for the last 4 years. It actually started out as more of a passion project than an actual business.

I see passion as one of the reasons why you've attained this level of affluence and passion makes you surpass the obstacles that'll come your way. I think what should drive anyone that has futuristic mindset in business, should be passion and not the level of profit they want to get out off the business.

The second thing that struck me in this post is this:

For years I had ignored the Roth IRA because you could only contribute $6k per year and in my head, that would never be enough to make any kind of significant enough growth...

Sometimes we don't know the kind of Ocean little drops of water can make. It looks small but when you venture into it you'll see how vast the income that comes from it would be.

It's because my ROTH is made up of only 3 companies and they are the companies that I purchased as a Super High Risk with Massive Growth potential.

Building has put me in the unique position of having the best advisors in any investment class and thanks to them my wealth continues to grow effortlessly and I am able to bring their wisdom to our millionaire building platform!

Finally, we need good advisers around us for us to grow effortlessly like you've said. Whenever we get to this point, I'll always do the same thing I usually do, which is to thank you for your efforts in my life and that of the AlchemistNation (family). We're making it gradually because you're willing to show us the way.

Thanks so much for your efforts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are making great progress my friend! I am gaining a new respect for the potential for massive capital growth that some of these paper assets and crypto assets can provide.

PolyCub is one of those projects that can turn $1k into $6k if invested properly.

I am currently working out a basic strategy that can maximize the ROI for investors who missed the big gains of the first 2 weeks.

The more time I spend on here the more I realize how much wealth is available for anyone who is willing to learn and share their knowledge with others!

Cheers to our success!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you so much boss. We'll take all the available opportunities on this platform. In terms of learning I'm always willing to accept new things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good that you make money which is tax free, to be honest I don't appreciate much gambling money as I'm a strong religion believer. I love earning crypto via writing and it tax free too so far. You always write blogs with many information and it was a nice read, Have a nice day :)

I agree with you my friend and gambling really has no place in investing.

It's more of a mindset of, "it's okay if this investment doesn't work or ends up going sideways".

Blogging on LeoFinance, HIVE and many other platforms is an excellent way to earn Crypto to invest in strong projects!

Keep up the great work!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm so glad that you also discourage gambling. Which is bad, will be always bad from all the sides like gambling is not only bad according to religious views, wise individuals know how bad it is to human life. Thanks dear for such lovely words 💖💕💗 Have a nice day!

I have a Roth IRA. It’s being a pain today. I have to jump through a few hoops. Real joy let me tell you.

I’m glad yours is providing lots of baby greens.

Did it ever crossed your mind that your crypto holdings might 10x your real estate in 10 years?

That's how much potential I see in it.

I'm adding #SCRT like a madman lately, have a look into it if you will.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The more research I do the more I agree with you!

There is so much room to grow and expand in various crypto projects!

I havent checked our #SCRT yet. What is the easiest way to learn about and get involved in the project?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Their official page:

Check their twitter as well. @mindtrap told me about it.

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You are the man!

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Mindtrap is...

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I am researching security Tokens as an alternative form of financing real estate, and wonder if you have looked into it?

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