Good Morning from the #gubbahomestead !
I can't wait for this snow to melt and get to gardening. This winter has really been dragging...
Good Morning from the #gubbahomestead !
I can't wait for this snow to melt and get to gardening. This winter has really been dragging...
oh oh fren, i just saw a ryanhallyall youtube and I think everyone in the US is gonna be more cold for a while.
you in US?
I am and not looking forward to longer cold lol I really want to get my garden started
I dont do snow.
It's nice for a bit
I like the tropics.
No shrinkage #nsfw
ha ha #task
I complain when it is below 60F.
Me and cold do not mix.
Looking gorgeous me queen!
Ass kisser.
Slimy indeed lol 🐌🐌🐌
At least you embrace it. I respect that.
I fully embrace all my deviance.
#gmfrens go for it
good puff, if it is.
dang looks cold!
Not bad compared to a few weeks ago!
Are you Threading from the new UI Gubba?