Agencies have a lot of overhead. We already had some offer their services at a monthly price that would make your head spin. They also require someone from Hive to decide on the information and feed it to them. If an agency takes let's say 10k a month and we sign with no guaranteed results, then what?
What we really need is a Google Ads campaign. Someone who knows how to set up Google Ads needs to do that and manage it. That's already been priced out and would come in at about the same price as the agency monthly.
Regarding payments to the agency or to a campaign in general, this must be done by a business. Its a matter of personal risk. The reason is taxes. If a private individual like yourself takes HBD, sells it, places it in their bank account and then pays an agency it will trigger authorities in whatever country you live in. If you have a corporation that already handles large sums and has an accounting team then that's best. It's not to say that a private individual like yourself can't manage a campaign or get paid from one, but not the conversion and transfer of money.
A lot of things made our head spin cost wise since the launch of HIVE. I think the community can take it. If there was an offer you should have probably shared it with the community and let everyone weigh in.
Was it "Disruptive Advertising" that contacted you? At first i just pointed interested agencies towards others before taking it up myself.
Google ads are a very small part of the whole story. For 1 person to do this job properly youd need to pay them an amount that will not be approved by the community (or it will get backlash).
And as i said before. You have no way of tracking their commitment, how many hours a day theyre working. All i need to do is bring up Netouso to show how hard it is tracking the work rate of someone funded by the DHF. And he has a Github as a dev.
That is not correct. The first thing i did before all this was talk to the equivalent of a IRS agent in Croatia. I still need a "paper trail" (as was his suggestion) and contact them through email but as it stands in this case where i would act as an intermediary there would be 0 risk for myself.
Taxes on Crypto are very lenient in Croatia, theyre affected by a "capital gains tax" which is only 10%. And this would not be considered capital gains.
No, we didn't have an offer that I personally got. Another Hive member got a connection for $15k which involved, when drilled down, few actual confirmed deliverables and a 'retainer'. Those types are meant for ICO scams where the team got so much money that 100k is nothing.
Now the other question is why are we even entertaining the selection of a specific company without giving other companies, including those run by our own members, a chance to bid and offer their services? Even governments have to do RFPs. Are we really more corrupt than a government?
They had 5 years to do nothing.
Hive isn't responsible for the 4 years of Steemit. There were many wasted opportunities due to the corporate control.
And? How about since Hive's inception?
There is a point where all that’s being said are excuses.
As @enforcer48 said below... And if you remember you even had groups like Utopian that had actual self proclaimed marketing "experts" with millions of dollars worth of delegation at one point.
If im completely honest, ive no idea what any crypto devs and investors are still doing living in USA.
It's the transfer portion. So let's say I cash out 100k CAD from crypto, doesn't matter which crypto. I now have 100k CAD in my account. I've earned or otherwise obtained the profits in the sum of 100k CAD. Therefore my earnings for the year are that 100k CAD + whatever else I regularly made. I can then take that money and pay someone. If I'm filing my taxes as a private individual, I'm now flagged because I received a huge sum and distributed a huge sum. I also jumped the tax bracket. If I'm a business account, I now have 100k CAD in revenue and 100k CAD in subsequent spending. If I were a small business not filing because my annual revenue was under 30k CAD, I now have to file. However, if I'm a medium sized company with let's say $500k CAD annual profits and maybe $300k CAD annual costs in salaries plus whatever I spend on other things, that 100k CAD is normal. My existing accountant will assign it in the appropriate category and there is no impact to me or my business.
If I'm a large stakeholder and crypto investor and received 100k CAD in crypto, let's say HBD, then what I would do is keep it in crypto. I'd swap it to HIVE, etc. And I would pay the intended recipient in CAD, because I'm wealthy enough to have 100k CAD sitting there. Maybe I'd have to sell some stagnating stock to free it up. But in that case, I'm already in the appropriate tax bracket, I already know how to handle large sums of money, and this is just part of my regular activities. On paper I'm doing a payment, not a one-stop transfer.
Google Ads and Facebook will block you in no time when you act with a huge budget.
To do email marketing you need to build a list first and that takes a lot of time.
Remains only Twitter, SEO, Word of Mouth, Guerilla. We actually have the same problems as PornHub. But PornHub has proven that you can build reach even with bans/shadowbans.
Facebook will ban us but Google ads I think still have some merit.
I've been working on a newsletter/mailing list. The problem is we can't use services like Mailchimp; we're automatically banned from those. Been working on a self-hosted and hopefully decentralized solution.
Edit: This is the cheapest solution for huge lists (100k+ mails).This is working very well: + Amazon SES.
I would rather stay away from Amazon if possible. I did review it earlier, it remains an option.
The hard part is to build a list (outside our bubble).