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RE: Valueplan The Numbers Payouts In August Part 1

in LeoFinance7 months ago

Doesn't have to be Discord. You know we also have a DHF chat channel on Open Hive. It's connected to the dev chat one. Take a look straight from

It's just a matter of understanding what the memo items actually are and how they become mentioned. Let's take the medical one. That's actually an industrial order of paramedic-grade supplies, which is annual. It's about 40% of its original cost. It's not a kit with bandaids. It's specific to VZ because of shortages in their public/private health system. The merch items are all large volume for any activity. The only place we do get great deals is India because they can be manufactured locally, everything else has shipping factored in.


Ok il have a look @guiltyparties . Cheers. Im going off the memo on the description. it’s all I have to go on . I’m not buying this industrial paramedic grade supplies. My background is sourcing items , tenders , contract management . I have experience sourcing medical supplies. Granted , Paramedic grade is the good stuff, top of the range but it is still essentially a top of the range first aid kit. How many injuries do these guys expect to have?? Unless there’s a purchase of a 2 x defibrillators in there I am still very wary about this one . If you can send me a list of items and what exactly was purchased please. You probably can’t but do you not find yourself that this one looks over the top? Did the Valueplan team source the medical supplies in India or @swc-oficial??

If you can help out with sourcing it would be much appreciated. I have the list of items and was looking for someone to give a hand with this, spoke to a few people already. We're getting to a point where I think we need to have a first response capability in countries aside from VZ, although relatively minor. For VZ we have a big problem with shipping things in, which affects all activities across the board. Let's talk this week about it, would appreciate your help.

IMG_1848.jpeg@hecatonquirox you were on the ground at these events. Was there any evidence of high grade paramedic supplies in a bag such as the one attached when you attended events?

No, never. What is true is that a chiropractor is hired to attend the athletes after the events, not always, but I did witness it. In the case of Zulia, we are in charge of covering a paramedic endorsed by the city's fire department. We did not pay for that with Valueplan money. We felt it was important, but SWC doesn't take care of it more responsibly. You know, it's a risky sport, it's not to be taken lightly...but they take it lightly.

What I can tell you about is a more delicate matter. @Guiltyparties claims that we are just Zulia whiners criticizing their management, bad management. Let's humor the humble old man.

Below I attach a pdf titled “swc lies”. In it you will be able to read, in detail, a somewhat old SWC case. Where it is exposed how the self-styled CEO of that community steals the money that was sent to an athlete for his recovery and medical care, after he broke his arm. There are other cases exposed in the PDF, read them carefully. It was all narrated by the victim, I just got the document, I guess those guys think this is the opportunity to show it to everyone.

I don't know how much influence you have, but I ask you, if you can do it, try to show this information to more transparent and influential people than Guiltyparties on Hive. If you can't, I'll still settle for leaving it here in the comments of your article, for all concerned to see:

It seems like it's just me, you know? I guess it's because I'm so talkative, and because I'm really annoyed by all this crap. I admit it. But believe me when I tell you that, there is more than one user affected by the corruption of Manuel Ramos, sheltered by @guiltyparties.

I gain nothing from all this, I'm just exposing the truth, because it's the right thing to do. If they can prove that I have dark interests behind, let them prove it. Although at this point it is very difficult for them to prove something as simple as invoices. But well... the right thing to do is to give them the benefit of the doubt.

The argument that was about what is a small payment during a broken arm incident that we had no obligation to pay for in the first place and did so on compassionate grounds. This argument makes Manuel look great for doing the right thing. He recommended that we provide first aid support, which we never considered doing before, and did his best to support the athlete. His concern for the athletes led to medical supplies and insurance at future events. I talked to Luis myself after and he explained that a small payment for gas mattered due to his financial situation and about opportunities in general.

There is no purpose in your crusade here. Current and past athletes and general Hive community members are upset by your behavior and this ongoing nonsense. Your interpretation of events isn't some great discovery, it's just your opinion.

For you nothing is an argument. The point is to defend your little friend, even if it costs you reputation. Sadly, you're just exposing yourself. Of course Manuel is the best, he continues to launder money with him and others.

It is all a conspiracy and you are the true voice of righteousness. Locations where Hive promotional activities cannot succeed will not be getting said activities and that is the long and short of it.

I'm not asking you for an event, I told you buddy, do what you want with your influence. I see you're a little upset, don't waste your time on that. Better ask Manuel to look for the invoices and clarify this whole situation, if you are so worried about it, it is the best thing for them, don't you think so, witness? I tell you again, prove that I am a liar and I will go out in a 1 hour video apologizing to everyone. You can't do it, that's why you are so upset. Just show the invoices with the costs.

By the way Guilty... you tell me that SWC has been successful and that's why you have kept the funding. hahahahahahahaha, you made me laugh. Your failed street workout project has not brought a single interesting investor to Hive. Your excuse is that these are bad times, couldn't it be that all this time you have been doing badly with those SWC funds and you are frustrated that they are telling you the truth? Even people you trust have told you that. The problem is that your ego is hopeless, it is hard for you to admit that you have been screwing up for a long time with Manuel.