1/🧵 Well #brazil is a country with a big diversity of legends, some of which originate from other countries and cultures. But when we talk about a legend we can't forget the "Saci-Pererê" #crossculture
1/🧵 Well #brazil is a country with a big diversity of legends, some of which originate from other countries and cultures. But when we talk about a legend we can't forget the "Saci-Pererê" #crossculture
2/🧵 The character is a one-foot black guy always smoking a pipe and wearing a red hat. The origin is from the native Americans from the region called Tupi-Guaranis and they believed that Saci was a protector from the woods.
3/🧵 He is also known to do mischief such as bothering horses. The origin is mainly from the native Americans but also got some influences from the Africans that were captured to be slaves from 1550 and beyond. Slavery in Brazil lasted 300 years. The pipe can be from either culture for example.
4/🧵 I just learned that some neighboring countries like Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay have also a similar legend called Yasy Yateré, but it is blond.
I have heard about that name before, known for playing pranks on people and causing mischief in the forests. now I know more