Venator kinjo
🔶 Venator kinjo the main card in this battle but before we check about his battle let's check his stats , Venator kinjo is a legendary card and a nuetral unit his stats is super great in terms in when you use him in rulesets that can gain advantage in battle. Reflection shield and immunity ability is the most i like in this card.
start with rules of oppurtunity and blast with 16 mana cap
The lineup im using is depending on the ruleset, so for this match i come up a team to counter the blast by using venator kinjo ability of reflection shield, and for the damager im using Ruler of the seas and another cards im using in this team is for meatshield to make a bait because opportunity ability is targeting those small healths that's why i pick furious chicken and creeping ooze and place it on the middle so if my enemy attack, the blast effect only hit in the middle and i have a venator to shield it and protect ruler of the seas on the back while ruler of the seas killing those low healts on the enemy sides.
🔶 Ruler of the seas first to attack in this round because of the gap in speed he killed albatros in his turn and the blast effect damaging cruel of sethropod,Ice pixie instantly killed my meatshields furious chicken and ooze while venator kinjo protecting ruler of the seas in the blast
🔶 Round 2 another deaths for the enemy side killing those low health cards and this time ice pixie got killed with magic attack of ruler of the seas, venator kinjo freely attacking river nypmh and taking him out in the battle, the only left on the enemy team is cruel sethropod and got a hit with spineback turtle and killed him in this round.
To watch the batlle just click thisHexx battle
🔶 Venator kinjo is overall great card to use in most rulesets it just needs to place in a good position that can protect his friendly monster, Venator kinjo stats are good fo climbing in silver to gold so i always use this card when rules is blast if this card is available and also you i use this liitle leauge rules just to fill the lineup.
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nice strategy, keep growing