(Part 1)
Delia and Rylie were celebrating their 1st year anniversary. The couple had just gotten an apartment of their own in the city. So far everything was going great. Neither were even nineteen yet. However, right after graduation, the two of them decided to move in together.
"What do you mean you're moving out," Delia's mother shouted. "You're not even nineteen yet. Where are you gonna go, and what type of work are you going to get Delia? Only place that will hire you is a convenience store or some retail store. You still have to go to college.!"
"Nobody said anything about quitting school and people my age leave home all the time. Stop acting like its unheard of." Delia responded.
Needless to say, Delia's mother had been livid over the move. Her father was a man of few words, but it was vividly clear he didn't like it either. He told his daughter she was cut-off if she left. Told her she was too young and he still had say-so over her life, because he was paying for her college. Neither cared that she was moving in with Rylie, which both parents knew because his parents lived next door. Both sets of their parents had been best friends with each other until their children moved out and into their own apartment. Now, neither one's parents spoke to each other.
Rylie's mom and dad were less hysterical about it. They at least supported their son and co-signed to help the two kids get the apartment. Both were still upset, both still believing it was way too soon for Rylie and Delia to be moving in with each other, saying college was supposed to come first, then marriage.
Rylie had sat patiently and allowed his parents to vent, until both got used to the idea. Delia's mom and dad were still reeling, and usually when she wanted detailed information on how her parents were doing, she would ask Rylie to ask his parents if they had seen them around. Usually they had something to say, but nothing that closed the open gap in Delia's heart.
"Here's to one year baby. I love you with all my heart," Rylie said to Delia.
Delia's heart sang. Rylie was a gorgeous piece of man at six-feet two and had the softest hands she had ever seen. She loved his singing voice and those piercing brown eyes. His glowing Italian tan and that dark jet black hair and long eye lashes made her go crazy.
"I love you to sweetheart. May we have many more years as beautiful as this one."
Champagne glasses clinked and both sipped. Neither drank all that much. Neither had much life experience outside of their home, both were sheltered little squirrels in the big city.
Kissing, Rylie and Delia were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Dazed and slightly enamored over the occasion, neither wanted to go to the door.
Reluctantly, Rylie decided to get up and leave the bedroom to see who it was. Delia rolled her eyes with a smile and told him not to be long. He walked out of the room and made his way to the living room.
Delia had turned on the stereo and fished out her most romantic CD. Celine Dion. Her favorite artist and the one that sang the most heart-throbbing of love songs. She put the CD into the stereo and began to listen. The clock read 9:45pm.
She continued to drink the champagne and refilled her glass three times. She was actually starting to get woozy. She had opened a magazine to read and decided to catch up on the latest fashions while she waited on Rylie to return.
I guess her third glass had done it, or she must have been really into the magazine, but before Delia knew it, time had passed by at an extremely rapid rate. The clock read 12:09am.
She snapped her magazine shut and hopped off her bed. Bad move! She was hammered. Having never drank alcohol, she could not stand. She went careening off the bed and onto her side on the carpet. Vomit was inching it's way up closer and closer, she could feel it.
Bathroom. Bathroom. Only thought running through Delia's mind.
She made it just in time. Over the commode, she unloaded every ounce of food and every ounce of liquid ingested. When it was all over, Delia felt like she needed an ambulance. She slumped onto the floor of the bathroom and sobbed hysterically. Within twenty minutes, she actually passed out.
The morning greeted Delia with a headache and several surprises. For one, she found herself asleep on the bathroom floor. She pulled herself up but not before almost staggering back down, and almost throwing up all over again. The stench of vomit permeated the air, and Delia's head and stomach were in pain and cramps. Oh my God! Am I hungover?!
Delia had to hold onto the bathroom sink to steady herself. She shakingly opened the bathroom mirror and looked at what little medicine her and Rylie had. She grabbed the aspirin and took two, using her hands to scoop up water from the faucet to drink. When she wiped her face, she staggered to the bed and plopped herself face first and fell back out til late afternoon.
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