Hello Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕

There's actually no doubt that most of you might have been getting notifications about your witness vote getting expired in the next one month from now.

It is also a bit devastating that most Hive users tend to overlook or ignore this important information probably because some of us don't really know the importance of voting for witnesses on the blockchain.
Importance of Voting On Witnesses on the Hive Blockchain

The fact is that every Hive user on the Hive Blockchain will definitely possess Hive Power (HP) which implies that you are also putting in your stake on the Hive Blockchain. There's also no doubt that you also own part of the Hive Blockchain whenever you put your stake on Hive.
Also, anyone on the Hive Blockchain can be part of the Hive Witness provided such users are willing to contribute positively on the blockchain by creating more blocks on the Blockchain, this explains why they are sometimes called "Block Producers". They also make consensus decisions for the future development of Hive. They are also known for ensuring stability of the Hive blockchain by operating and running reliable nodes on the Hive Blockchain. These Witnesses must be well respected and trusted in the Hive community. Also, they should be known for their positive impact and development the community.
So don't be surprised when you see some users telling you to vote for them as a witness on the Hive blockchain while some may even reward you for voting for them to be a witness on the Hive blockchain.
30 Slots Available for Witness Vote

You will definitely agree with me that Hive happened to be a hardfork of Steemit blockchain and the initial condition or code set up by the developers then was that every user on the steem Blockchain is entitled to vote for only 30 witnesses which also applies to the Hive Blockchain. This implies that as a Hive user, you only have a maximum of 30 voting slots for the available number of witnesses on the Hive Blockchain.
This means that you are only meant to vote for maximum of 30 witnesses on the Hive Blockchain. This is really why you should vote for users who deserves this posts because the witnesses on the Blockchain are just like our drivers or chauffeurs, once the driver of a bus or car isn't skilled in driving then the passengers may experience severe accident which can lead to loss of lives and properties.
The witnesses are also meant to share their prospects or mission to develop the Hive blockchain. It's really great we have some witnesses fulfilling their ambitions just exactly the same way they planned to make it happen.
How To Vote for Witnesses on the Hive Blockchain

There are multiple ways to vote for the witness of your choice on Hive blockchain. I actually know of three different methods but I'm quite sure we may have Hive users knowing some other method apart from my three known method. I hope you share your method of witness voting via the comment section below as this will also serve as a means of learning to other users.
These are the three methods i know of when it comes to witness voting on the Hive Blockchain ;
#1 Hive Blog
This seems to be the most widely used or common method for witness - voting on the Hive blockchain. This can be done by using

You can copy and paste the address on your browser and then vote for the witness of your choice by clicking on the "upvote" button as shown in the image above.
The second method is to make use of Peakd interface by logging into peakd.com and then click on the witness section after clicking on the toggle bar menu.
You can simply copy and paste this link https://peakd.com/me/witnesses into your browser and then begin your witness vote.

All you need to do is to click on the vote icon as shown in the image above.

Once you've click on the vote icon, you'll notice the tick appears to be in a light blue box as shown in the above screenshot.
The last but not the least is option is by making use of Hive Keychain. This is also one of the easiest method used for witness voting even though some users might not be really aware of this method.

All you need to do is to set up your Hive Keychain account and then click on the governance icon as shown in the image.

Then you click on the vote button to vote for your desired witnesses as shown in the image above and once your vote has been completed you have the voting icon automatically changed to white colour as seen in the image.
Check Out Some of the Witnesses I Voted for on the Hive Blockchain and their Impact in the Hive Community

I stated earlier from the beginning of this context that there are some important factors you are meant to look out for when it comes to voting or selecting your desired witnesses on the Hive Blockchain and these includes how trustworthy or reliable the witness is and most importantly the witness level of impact on the Hive Blockchain.
I voted based on these two categories and I must say I have never regretted my decision. There's also no doubt that different people will also want to suggest whom you should vote for as witnesses on the Hive blockchain but I will advice you also consider these two factors when casting your witness vote on the Hive Blockchain.
These are some of the witnesses i voted for on the Hive Blockchain and I was also able to explain the reason behind my vote for these set of witnesses as explained below ;
You will definitely agree with me that @blocktrades is currently the leading witness with the highest number of vote on the Hive blockchain estimated to be around 89M HP.

Apart from the popular exchange project developed by @blocktrades which enables Hive users to exchange their Hive and HBD tokens to other cryptos like Litecoin (LTC), Monero, and other available tokens via https://blocktrades.us/en/. I love the fact that @blocktrades has always been working effectively on Hive software and they are also known for updating the community about their level of development almost every month.

The last time I checked, the team was able to implement a p2p network system on Hive nodes which makes it easy for direct the exchange blocks over the p2p network. This is in accordance with the 12th update from @blocktrades as quoted below;
Hive nodes can now directly exchange blockchain blocks in compressed form. Previously each node would receive new blocks in uncompressed form, then compress them locally before storing them to their block_log file. In our most recent changes, the p2p network protocol has been enhanced so that when a node connects to a new peer, the two nodes inform each other of whether they can accept compressed blocks (only nodes compiled with the new code can accept compressed blocks, older ones can only accept uncompressed ones).
There's actually no doubt that the Hive community is definitely being impacted by @blocktrades for their great efforts in producing more blocks on the Hive blockchain and this is why @blocktrades really deserved my witness vote. I am also optimistic about @blocktrades making more impact in the Hive community as time goes on.
One of my favourite project on the Hive blockchain is @leofinance. As you can see I'm also posting this content using @leofinance interface due to the fact that I'm able to earn free $LEO tokens for creating contents that has to do with cryptocurrency, finance and blockchain technology.

There's also no doubt that @leofinance community has also been one of the fastest growing community on the Hive blockchain with over 13,000 members.
I love the fact @khaleelkazi and other @leofinance team are really doing a great job when it comes to promoting Hive and developing the Hive blockchain through Leofinance projects by introducing PolyCub, LeoInfra and most importantly the Leofinance mobile app which makes it more easier for users to publish their content on the Hive blockchain and get rewarded for their content.
The ubiquitous Hive interface which is widely used by most Hive users known as Peakd is one of the best project produced by @steempeak. Much thanks to @asgarth and his team for coming up with such a wonderful development on the Hive Blockchain which enable Hive users to experience a complete decentralized system on the Hive Blockchain.
here, the developers are really doing a great job regarding the development of the HiveHub platform and most importantly the notification feature which enables users to decide which notifications they would like to receive in the Hive community.According to the team latest development update published by @peak.open which can be found

You can keep checking out for more update via @peak.open as this will definitely enable you to know how @steempeak is impacting the Hive Blockchain positively and this is why they deserve my vote as a witness.
#4 GTG
There's no doubt that Grandalf the Grey also known as @gtg is the second most voted witness on the Hive blockchain with a vote worth of 88M HP. He is also a great developer and IT wizard in the crypto space.

I became more obsessed with @gtg project on the Hive Blockchain which has to do with the Hive Mirror Net. The Hive Mirrornet was developed by @gtg to enable witnesses, developers and "power users" who are more knowledgeable about hived and cli_wallet to test their project on the Hive Blockchain. There's also high chance of mirrornet growing to be a playground for developers to tests their apps before going doing the same in the real world.
If there's someone who has made a huge impact when it comes to decentralized social media platforms (cryptocurrency ) and blockchain technology, you will definitely agree with me that @good-karma should never be left out.
I could remember back then in the early years when Steemit was still the only decentralized social media platform being used by most of us back then, @good-karma really made it very easy for most of us to publish our content and earn free tokens by developing one of the most widely used app on Steemit known as esteem App. This is just to show how passionate he was back then when it comes to decentralized social media app development.
Today, Hive users can now start publishing their contents and earning free rewards from their contents through the @ecency App developed by @good-karma and his team. There's also no doubt that @ecency community is also growing since there are some Hive users also making use of @ecency mobile App on the Hive Blockchain.
I love the fact that @good-karma has always been impacting the Hive community by making it more easier for users to utilize and access the Hive blockchain. This is one of the reasons @good-karma got my witness vote.
I'm quite sure most of us here would have been reading or probably hearing about hivefest. Anyways, @roelandp is popularly known to be the originator of this great event and I love the fact that he is using this great event to bring every Hive members together in which the community members tend to meet themselves physically and share ideas about the development of the Hive community and Hive Blockchain as a whole.

I became more interested in voting @roelandp for witness when I also got to know that he is the developer of Hive Wallet and I was also aware of his great effort in fixing the bugs generated from the Hive wallet.

I am highly optimistic that @roelandp will definitely help in developing the Hive community with his programming skills and I also hope i will definitely get to meet him physically in future Hivefest event.

OCD happens to be one of the top growing community on the Hive blockchain and the #ocd hash tag is also a commonly used tag majorly used by most content creators in the Hive Community. Much thanks to @acidyo for curating good quality contents on the Hive blockchain even though he's also the founder of @ocd, @ocdb, @ocd-witness and my favourite of them all which is @poshtoken.
It's really great earning additional rewards just by sharing your posts to twitter with the help of @poshtoken. There's also no doubt that @acidyo has also helped in growing the Hive community by bringing in new members into Hive through his method of incentives and on boarding programmes which has help in driving more traffic into the Hive front-ends.

I definitely hope @acidyo and his team will continue their great work and development in impacting the Hive blockchain positively more than we can ever imagine.
If you are really following this write up, i stated that Hive keychain is one of the best Hive tool that can be used to vote for the witness of your choice. The fact is that the founder of Hive keychain is @stoodkev and there's also no doubt that this tool has helped in solving lot of problems on the Hive Blockchain.
I am able to engage in the below activities using Hive keychain ;
- Sending and Receiving both Hive and HBD tokens from Hive Users
- Powering Up and Powering Down my Hive tokens
- Buying and Converting Hive and HBD
- Access to my Hive and HBD Savings
- Delegating my Hive Power to other Hive users
- Access to my Hive tokens just like we have on hive-engine
- Access to Governance voting
- Access third-party apps on Hive Blockchain
I definitely hope @stoodkev will adopt more development on Hive Keychain in future such as minting NFTs on the Hive blockchain using Hive tokens and many more.

For Hive users who are more conversant with Leofinance, you will definitely agree with me that @themarkymark is actually one of the content creators with good content when it comes to Cryptocurrency related content.

I mostly find his content more informative most especially anytime he conducts his Ask Ms Anything (AMA) session in the Leofinance community.

here , it can be observed that he is also planning to collaborate with other crypto project which may definitely help to increase the use case of Hive Punks NFT as quoted below;I also love the fact that he has helped in eradicating Spams and promoting good quality content in the community. It's not also a strange news that @themarkymark is the founder of an NFT project on the Hive blockchain known as Hive Punks. According to his recent publication which can be found
I am willing to collaborate with your project to facilitate an airdrop of your tokens to my user base free of charge. You reach a valuable interested audience without having to do any of the development or research, and my user base gets more value out of their NFTs, a win win for everyone involved.
Developing and promoting NFT projects on the Hive blockchain will definitely be a great advantage to the Hive ecosystem since it requires the use of Hive to buy such NFTs and thus, it helps to make Hive a crypto with a more valuable use case.
Threespeak is also one of the witness I found worthy of getting my witness voting due to the fact that the project is running Hive full API node and engaging in different encoding operations to create more blocks on the Hive Blockchain. I sometimes refer to @threespeak as "Hive YouTube" since it involves content delivery through storage and high quality video on the Hive Blockchain. This implies that users are able to watch and upload video related contents on the Hive Blockchain

It's also a great news to know that the team is also working hard in building @spknetwork on the Hive blockchain which will enable hive users to mine free Larynx Tokens as time goes on. The project will also promote offchain infrastructure incentivisation for web3 on the Hive Blockchain. SPK Network provides the ability for video platforms and content creators to interact with the decentralized social graph, while rewarding infrastructure providers with SPK governance and BROCA gas tokens.
Eleven Witness Voting Slots Available

As you can see I still have few slots left for my witness voting. Some other witnesses i voted for are @ausbitbank, @arcange, @therealwolf @yabapmatt, @quochuy, @pharesim, @steemitboard, @neoxian, @actifit making me have a total of 19 utilized votes with 11 voting slots available.
Feel free to suggest Hive witnesses that deserve to be voted for via the comment section and it will be more appropriate if you can share their witness statements or impact on the Hive Blockchain as this will enable me utilize my remaining available witness vote.

About Me

I am Adebola by name and I'm also a graduate of Agricultural Engineering (BSC). I am someone who cherish self development and being productive is in my DNA, this is why I am always open to learning from anyone and I love making research. I have been in the crypto space for the past five years and my level of enthusiasm for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology keeps increasing day by day. My hobbies are reading, writing, eating, engaging in agricultural operations, travelling, designing and blogging. My skills include Content writing, Graphic Design, UI/UX (Product) Deisgn, Copywriting, Internet Marketing, Blogging, Research and Coding (Novice). Feel free to connect with me via;
Discod: Hardaeborla#103

If its your first time here?? Start blogging on Hive and start earning free Hive tokens and HBD.
Hive : This is a native cryptocurrency used to reward Hive bloggers. Hive has a thriving ecosystem of over a hundred apps, communities & projects and is home to some of the most-used Web3 apps in the world, such as @splinterlands, @peakD, @HiveBlog, @leofinance and many others.
HBD : Hive Backed Dollar is the stable coin used on Hive blockchain. It is pegged to the price of one US dollar and users can earn 20% APR on HBD savings.
Learn more about Hive blockchain here
💕❤️💕❤️💕Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla
💕❤️💕❤️💕Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Voting for the right witness means sharing the mission and vision of the witness.
Thank you for your lovely comment
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!
Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!
Support Ecency
Vote for new Proposal
Delegate HP and earn more
Thank you @ecency 😊💕
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @hardaeborla ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
Thank you 💞😊
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Greetings @arcange 💕😊
Creating @hivebuzz on the Hive Blockchain has really been of great help to the community. I'm able to track my progress and achievement on the Hive Blockchain plus @hivebuzz has really helped me in generating some personal information or data such as my total comments or engagement so far, my total posts on the hive blockchain, total upvotes received and many more.
You really deserved my vote and I also hope you get more witness vote from other community members.
Thanks for your lovely comment @arcange and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla 💕😊
Glad to read that Hivebuzz has been a great motivator in your Hive journey.
You're welcome buddy.. Keep up the good work 😊❤️
BTW, may I ask you to support the Hivebuzz proposal so our team can continue its work?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, or using HiveSigner
Your support would be very helpful.
Thank you!
Done already
Without imposing, If you want to support HiveSQL and HiveAuth proposals too, I would be extremely grateful to you.
Felicidades su publicación ha Sido elegida entre las mejores del día.
Gracias @edu-venezuela 💕😊