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RE: I Am One Of The Top Authors On LeoFinance - $300+ During My Second Month!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

You earn on leofinance three times the amount you earn from hive. That is interesting!.
The other day, I came across a post on hive of an Asian user who quit his job because he earns nearly 350 USD by only writing in platform. I don't remember the topic of his posts but I imagine how much he would earn if he uses leofinance.
Keep the good work @hitmeasap! I will not hit you as soon as possible ha ha ha, but I will thank you as soon as possible for your testimonial.

Best regards

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


LeoFinance has been treating me very good and you are totally right, I earn 3 times more from LeoFinance..

I came across a post on hive of an Asian user who quit his job because he earns nearly 350 USD

I have seen many similar posts throughout the years I've been on the blockchain, but I would not recommend that approach to anyone. Not even if the price of Hive/LEO was $10, even though it could be tempting.

I don't take anything for granted and I never expect to earn X-amount from my contributions, and if I would quit my job to live off of the rewards I earn from crypto-blogging there would be immense pressure to produce results at all times, and that would definitely reflect in my articles and it would affect my motivation level as well.

I am 100% sure that this would, with time, lead to less quality and more quantity, as I would sooner or later be desperate and chase rewards to afford my living costs.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta