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RE: Traditional Marketing | How Traditional Strategies Will Bring Users to Our Hive Onboarding Funnel

in LeoFinance3 months ago (edited)

Hello @khaleelkazi, greetings. I know this may sound a bit impertinent to you, I am writing this knowing that maybe you will not read it or it will seem crazy. However, knowing that I am in an unadvantageous position, I ask you to read it and take it into consideration:

My name is Brando Lanchez, I am a Hiver living in Maracaibo Venezuela.

I do Calisthenics, that sport that consists of exercising with your own body weight. In Hive we don't have the best reputation in the world, because of some fools who have decided to break the trust of Hive and waste the potential that our sport has, and because @Guiltyparties has decided to defend a guy who blatantly steals from the blockchain. There's nothing I can do about it to change that.

The thing is, we are no longer part of the SWC community, because we don't want to be complicit in that blatant theft. Washing the face of our sporting niche within Hive has been a difficult thing to do, and I'll be honest with you, I think impossible. For all the bad that @Manuelramos and street workout community has done.

But that has little to do with us, so I wanted to make an effort to invite you to check out our community: Hive Calisthenics.

It's been a bit of a head lift for our niche community, and we know it's risky for many Hivers to support any kind of sports sponsorship, and I also know that the opinion of many is “how does this help Hive”. It's complex.

My understanding is that Leo's team has a promotion and marketing plan that has little or nothing to do with Valueplan. As an attempt to independently push their application. I was wondering if there is a way for our community project to somehow help push the INLEO brand in a more healthy and transparent way, also less costly.

For the 14th of December we have an event. The second edition of ENDURANCE AT THE LIMIT. You can check it out:

First promotional video of the event

Second promotional video of the event

Sorry for the damn spam, but I was wondering if it's possible to receive some kind of sports funding. In exchange for boosting the Inleo brand with Guerrilla Marketing. Maybe rewarding podium winners with a portion of LEO tokens, or doing onboarding with new users, t-shirts, banners.

It should be noted that for that day I estimate an amount of at least 250 spectators. Since it is the most important calisthenics event in the city. We could give away some Leo stickers, or stick to the budget plan that you have to correspond with this type of requests.

If you are not interested, don't worry, just ignore this message.

If, on the other hand, you are interested, I would like to know what you think about it. I leave you my WhatsApp and Telegram contact.

Best regards.