In the past week, a very interesting market survey was conducted in the United States, aiming at 3,144 Americans, which encrypted digital assets and encrypted blockchain projects were investigated. Among these investigators, 28% said that they had invested or are holding encrypted assets, while 25% said that they would pay attention to it for some time to come and invest in new fields, although they did not hold it.
So how much do Americans really know about this survey? Digital currency, which Americans pay attention to, ranks first in Bitcoin, second in dogecoin, third in Ethereum, fourth in SHIB, fifth in BNB, sixth in USDT, seventh in Solana and eighth in ADA. What items do Americans pay most attention to? The number one is NFT, the second is meta-universe, the third is DeFi, the fourth is GameFi, the fifth is web3.0 and the sixth is DAO.
Indeed, for the American audience, with the support of Stephen Curry, NFT's sales in the past month have exceeded $4 billion. Despite the unfavorable trend of cryptocurrency prices, the number of NFT transactions is still increasing gradually, and the interest in blockchain-based games is also on the rise. In the third quarter of 2021, the total trading volume of NFT was 10.7 billion US dollars, while in the fourth quarter, this figure rose to 11.9 billion US dollars, and the NFT market is currently maintaining quite well.
In the first 13 days of the year of 2022, we saw a transaction volume worth 3 billion US dollars, a considerable amount of investment, but now it is maintained again. Cryptpunk is the pioneer of NFT, and its birth is based on the old ERC-720, which inspired the establishment of ERC-721 standard tokens, so it is recognized as the starting point of the offline encryption art movement.