#crossculture one thing i disagree with parents about is the fact that they feel they can impose on you anytime. African parents can send you on errands not minding the situation at all, when you want to rest, they call you 👇
#crossculture one thing i disagree with parents about is the fact that they feel they can impose on you anytime. African parents can send you on errands not minding the situation at all, when you want to rest, they call you 👇
Asian are same too. If you don't live with them, they will destroy your social image, hate your son, daughter and make society hate you too.
My biggest culture shock in China was how everyone gangs up against you for not listening to your parents (even when they are clearly wrong). The whole family but some friends too. Japan isn't like that, but instead it's the company.
Welcome to SEA region.
wooo... That's so bad
This is true and it is mostly consistent with African parents. They would even go to the extent of mapping out your whole life for you, without considering what you might think.
I know right, I hate that thing ehn and some parents are so manipulative with it
Same thing when you stay with a guardian or an aunt, they expect you to be overly dutiful
at a point when you are just about to take a nap, they call you to just say something or send you out in the hot afternoon, change a channel, send a text message and so on... Can be frustrating at times
Hahaha. As long as you're living under their roof, there's no freedom for you
This was the hardest thing for me in China. Watching friends energetic, working on their goals, then Chinese New Year came around. They went home for 2 weeks to be slaves to irrational parents, then came back and gave up on their dreams