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RE: What a new free PC or Laptop? Not clickbait

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Hi @lbi-token ,

I just learned of this contest and first of all I want to say this is amazing and exactly the type of thing that made me fall in love with the blockchain.

I have a rather unique "donation" I would like to propose- other than funding, which I simply am not in a position to currently do. But, reading a few entries and this post an idea crossed my mind.

I have an old, seemingly immortal Acer laptop. It does not function great, and the battery won't hold a charge, but it is a functional computer. This was my computer on and off for well over a decade, until last year when I was finally able to buy a refurbished macbook.

I now just have it as a backup computer. I keep it around because with it's condition and age there is not much of a market for it where I live. I also fear my computer may crash- but I'm becoming more confident in it's lifespan by the day.

I would like to put it up as a constellation prize; you mentioned you only currently have 1 PC to give away. I'd like to make it 2. It is functional and for someone without a computer it would be a big help. I made many a Steemit post with it during the course of a year or so.

Let me know if you'd like to make this happen. I hope this gets seen, I don't quite know who to tag. If this doesn't sound like a good fit for the contest, no offense taken, and you have inspired me to do a giveaway of my own if this is the case. Let me know if you'd like to make this happen!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


consolation* not constellation... SMH. you'd think someone who calls themselves a writer could use these two simple words properly...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I forwarded it to @silverstackeruk.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you! I was going to try to reach out to them but they hadn’t posted recently and in my experience responses to old posts rarely get read, especially from more busy/larger accounts. And I’m sure it’s hectic on their end, so I understand why :)

@taskmaster4450 found me :)

Hey, this sounds amazing and exactly the type of thing we need to be doing. To me, it sounds like if your Acer was rebooted with a fresh copy of windows it would work like new. Assuming the serial code sticker on the back has not melted. And the battery..there are some extra funds from donations that could pay for a new battery maybe.

I will write about this, this evening in my LBI post.

Thank for reaching out :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you and @taskmaster4450 ! Awesome. I am not home at the moment but I will check regarding said sticker, look into what version of windows I could update and check to see what battery it would need- just to give myself a clearer view of what needs to happen.

Exciting!! I’ve endured a ton of financial hardships in my life, and it’s really nice to be on the flip side of it and in a position to give! This community is amazing

What a great and generous donation. I have an 12 old acer that dyed on me a couple of years ago but being on hive I found a new use for it so I'm getting it fixed. It just needed a new screen but it's been upgraded over the years and I'm sure once the screen is fixed it will work just fine. I plan to use it as a second computer for dedicated use for my new community here on hive so I don't have to keep switching accounts on one computer.

Enough of my rambling.

I'm sure you generosity will be well appreciated by whomever receives your laptop.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you! Yeah, I think mine's roughly 12-13 years old. It has it's problems, but it's a tank; it just keeps on going no matter what. I used it for Steemit for awhile, so I'm sure someone on here without their own computer will certainly be able to put good use to it. And it might even run better after I get all my shit off of it.

I understand what you mean by having two instead of constantly switching accounts. Managing multiple accounts from the same device on any platform is a pain, even with saved codes.

Thanks for your kind words!