Providing liquidity in the Zing:Swap.Hive pool is really a great way to earn reward. You earn an APR of 214.42%. But then many don't know how to provide liquidity.
Providing liquidity in the Zing:Swap.Hive pool is really a great way to earn reward. You earn an APR of 214.42%. But then many don't know how to provide liquidity.
Before adding liquidity to any token, we need to convert our hive into swap.hive. you can do that by logging in to hive-engine. Go to your wallet and click on deposit.
In this post I explained step by step how to convert your hive to swap.hive and how to provide liquidity. Please check it out👇
#gosh #zing
Tks my friend, follow your guide and add some liquidity to ZING too!
Cool 👍! Good you found the article helpful. I feel more good knowing about that.