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RE: Reversal of Fortune

in LeoFinance6 months ago

Too many ideas, and quite often friends who notice that I do not have money related problems ask me how to start, and I am like: build an emergency fund as big as 6 months expenses, and they will be like, this is hard, I never said it will be easy, but once you do it, you start to feel good, because you have back up. Only problem, people who have a back up tend to be intolerant to bullshit, and I like to see that.


It is a similar process to losing weight - eat less, move more, except it is spend less, save more. :)

or rather, to be technically correct in your definition, spend less, earn more! one way is spending, and one is earning. same as eating and exercise. huh, are we into something in here, talking about analogies? I only exercise so I can eat more of what I like.