Play for the crypto
I guess I'm not alone in discovering crypto gaming. Lol, I'm sure not, judging by my chat earlier today in the Lost Relics game where I discovered a few fellow hivers. And the reason I saw those fellow hivers was because of the following;
Lost Relics
Lost Relics is a game that is in full development. It works with the Enjin coin, which is fine. There is an entire Enjin market attached to it. Also perfectly fine… if at least the Eth gas fees weren't so ridiculously high. Because in order to be able to send an item to your wallet, the gas fee must be lower than 50 gwei. And well, anyone who has followed the Eth gas fees a little, knows that this has not happened for a long time. So there you are ...
Not a Hardcore Gamer
I'll be very honest, I enjoy playing the game, but I'm definitely not a hardcore gamer. And for me, the value of the items is much more important than those items in my game account. To be completely honest, I don't even know what to do with most of the items. Lol… yeah, you get it. I play for the money.
Put my 1000 euro goal out of my mind ... for 99%
And that is where the shoe pinches. Do you remember that I was trying very hard to raise 1000 euros before July of this year? With all the financial setbacks I had actually put it out of my mind for 99% ... But last week I took a look at my Lost Relics account, and saw that my game account currently has an estimated value of about 600 Enjin. When I then looked at the Enjin I could hit myself in the head.
I've had more than 600 Enjin, and they sold a while ago, Enjin was at 36 cents… And I thought that was quite a lot considering I bought them when the coin was at 12 cents. So even though I could now hit myself in the head, I have already made a profit on it. But as I watched this week there was nothing but disbelief… So by selling the Enjin at 36 cents, I had a huge profit through my nose. Because when I looked Enjin stood at 2 euros! And then knowing that I had more than 600 Enjin ...
Again a lesson learned
Unfortunately what I had is of no use to me… that much is clear, and I suspect that many of us know this feeling. If you don't know the feeling, I hope you never get to know it. Although on the other hand it is also a good lesson… I even think that it was shortly after that Enjin started that I started researching the coins I would like to step into. And I have even written a review of Enjin in the past. Why then have I not listened to my own feelings? Maybe I had to learn to trust my mind a little more, and at least I learned to try to switch off my feelings as much as possible… Intuition is fine by the way. But jumping into something because you think you miss the boat, or sell something because you can't believe it will go any higher when your mind knows it can… those are things you shouldn't have.
And then I also started to learn to use the technical indicators in the trading charts.
Well, long story short… I felt quite a loser when I saw that price of Enjin, although after that the following dawned on me.
My game account is worth about 600 Enjin
I just have an estimated worth of about 600 Enjin in my game account! Only how do I get them in my wallet now that the transfers from the game to your wallet are temporarily disabled due to the TOO high Eth gas fees. And even if it were possible, I had the following problem. At the moment I don't even have Eth, nor Enjin. And I need both to get the items on the marketplace. How I should do it would be a concern for later… I've been playing the game for a while now, but have never sent anything from my game account to my wallet. So I should figure it all out. Worry for later… But preferably not TOO late, because with the value of Enjin now, and the estimated value of my game account… I got visions of 1000 euros again!
Now I can only hope that my 1000 euros won't be a Lost Relic too ...
Going to play again ...
For now I'm going to play a few adventures again… and hope that I find another blockchain item, the higher the estimated account value, the better, right?
Which games do you play for crypto?
Besides dcity, splinterlands, and others that run on the hive blockchain, of course. I'd love to hear it, everything is welcome!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I haven't heard of this game but I think I will avoid anything to do with the ETH chain until problems with 2.0 and gas fees are resolved.
I do hope you can get your money out of the game eventually and make some profit.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well, in fact ... all what I get out of it is in some way profit. I never invested any money in the game. So in that way, everything is profit. Of course, after paying the Eth for the fees and the Enjin to get the items on the market.
But I'm sure the items can cover the costs of that ... if not, I would be stupid to even try to get it out.
Yea but maybe the changes to ETH 2.0 will give you smaller gas fees. However the prices could change so I don't know whether or not Enjin will still be profitable.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ah, isn't that the beauty of crypto ... One day your crypto is sky-high, the next day it's all down. Lol
Well for Enjin, I think it's a coin that will keep her value. And yes, of course it will fluctuate. It has the same volatility factors as all cryptocurrencies have. But the gaming will stay, and so will Enjin I think. Many more games are build to use Enjin as a game currency.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
good one :P
I don't want to ruin the party but the difficult thing with all of these is to determine how fast you will sell. For example, your account may worth 1000$-2000$ or anything but if nobody buys then it worth way less :P
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're not ruining the party ... I know that an estimated account value is all relative and that in the end the market decides how much value it will be worth. But to get to know that, the first thing is for me to get some Eth and Enjin ... and the Eth gas fees have to come down from this legendary heights. Not sure when that will happen.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Look how the price will react with the Effinity upgrade, the gas fee's will be less but that means everyone that is holding their BC items because of the high fee's will/can place it and move it around again. The price can go either I guess.. Lot's of supply.. Or lot's of hype
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Maybe both ... well let's just say, I'm not counting on anything. And I didn't spend money on the game myself, just playing and see where that would bring me. So anything I can make out if that would be great.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's great, always good to keep your expectations low everything is a bonus then, hope it goes your way 🙂👍🏻
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I guess it could tie into crypto cause I play on PS Now with some from cryptospheres but it's games like Mortal Kombat or Injustice League 2 which I think you'd love. Pretty nice playing a character and then fighting villains or heroes, it's hard to tell which is which these days

Yup it really is ... sometimes a game feels like reality, other times reality feels like a game.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta