I'm trying to learn about crypto trading as we speak ... And no at this time of life it hasn't been life-changing for me, but I keep hoping it will be in the future once I understand a lot better what I'm doing, and where to look at.
Money to buy crypto is not present, so I have to find other ways. Blogging is one of them, of course, but trading could be another way.
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When I first started blogging and getting crypto as payment Indidnsome trades. I did ok mostly too, but they were safe and not with BTC. As the amount of my BTC holding increased, added to by those trades, I became more interested in it although it has remained a hobby I do it in the hope that one day I will have an amount that helps my life in a positive way.
I'm never going to be rich from crypto whether I trade or not, but I'll have something and a little fun along the way I guess.
That's how I look at it really. I don't want to take it too seriously as that will change the way I approach it, put more pressure on it. I have a lot of other hobbies and am happy with the way this one, blogging/crypto/trading seems to be going. It's moving forward slowly and I'm enjoying it. When I stop enjoying it that's when problems start.