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RE: My First Leo Contest

in LeoFinance4 years ago

In the comments below tell me why you should receive 7 100% votes over 1 week from my combined 5000 lp combined accounts. Don't think too hard on it.

I wouldn't mind being rewarded and I love to see these types of initiatives and contests, but I am satisfied with the rewards I earn and I think it's important to empower others. That's the reason for my own on-going "engagement contest" I have where I give away LEO tokens to random participants and that is why I strive to boost the overall engagement.

I try to motivate, encourage and convince others to put in that little extra effort or to go the extra mile in their creations and with the time they are spending on the blockchain, so if you would ever think of me as a winner or a recipent of upvotes or the awesome prize onealfa has added as a bonus, please spread that elsewhere and strenghten the community.

Thanks for being awesome!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta