Salary At Work - What Makes or BREAKS Morale.

in LeoFinance4 years ago


I have been working at my current job for more than one year now and I have just become a permanent employee, which basically means that I have no predetermined end date at work. I work in a psychiatric ward as an assistant nurse specialized in psychiatry. Another word for that might be mental health nurse, keeper or whatever. It seems to have many different names around the world.

I help, support and treat people with mental illness. It can be anything from a minor depression to someone with panic attacks, from eating disorders to people who are actively trying to commit suicide.

  • I am there for all of them.

That being said, I have always been a "people's person" in that sense, and my "mission in life" is- and has always been to support others and help them live their lives to the fullest. That's one of the reasons for me to truly love my job. It's weird, it's not often you hear someone telling you that, that they truly love their job, but it's the truth. I wish I could work less though, but even if I would end up being a billionarie at some point, I would never quit my job. I would just reduce the hours I work.

Long story short, we've recently got a salary increase. It's something we get once per year. It's sort of based on the performance and how well you are doing, but it's also about how much ass you kiss.

I don't wipe my bosses ass after she has taken a fat dump and I don't lick the ass clean either.. I'm not there for my boss or my colleagues. I'm at work for the patients. The fuynny thing here is that I didn't get as huge salary increase as some others, but I didn't get the smallest either. I was somewhere in the top actually. Like top 5 or something, which is pretty good if you ask me.

I got a salary increase of 1700 SEK per month, which is ~200 USD. A couple of others got 2100 SEK (250 USD) while some others got between 1100 SEK and 1600 SEK, (131/191 USD).

The funny part, or not so funny, it's actually more tragic, is that people complain. Most of them complain, but it's not the actual amount they complain about, it's the difference between them and others they complain about. They compare themselves with others, they talk shit behind peoples backs and they try to point out all the good things they are doing while trying to diminish their colleagues.

Some of them grouped up and have verbally assaulted more than once, trying to diminish me and the things I do, they're talking down on me and they are trying to make me feel less good about myself or the things I do. They are desperate to point fingers at me whenever I do something they would've have done differently.. It's become a utter shitstorm, just because I happened to get more than them.

This is bullying amongst adult people. This is professional nurses & specialists who works with mental illness. All of us work with people who suffers from mental illness, and we have bullying at work which is one of the things that actually leads to self-harm and depression.

This obviously affects the morale and environment. Some people have started to talk about quitting their jobs. Others have just started to talk a lot of shit about some colleagues. I happen to be in the middle of this shitstorm.

So while this is in real life, at work, being a professional amongst other professionals, this happens here as well. On Hive and its communities. People compare themselves with others. We have newcomers feeling ignored and overlooked which translates into feelings of despair and being trapped in a bubble of "bad luck". We have more established users who feels that things are unfair because they put in a lot of time and effort just to get a fraction of what some other, more established users are getting.

  • At the end of the day, it's all about money.

People argue about them doing more for others, more for Hive and the growth than others, and they are not rewarded for their work in the extent they think they should be rewarded.. Yet again about money, even though it's in form of rewards and crypto.

Here's the thing though, something I have said multiple times throughout my time on the blockchain. Life is not "fair" in the sense that everyone gets the same for the same effort put in. Some will always have more "luck" than others and earn more than you..

  • But it's also the other way around.

You are most likely being rewarded more than others as well. Do you want others to constantly compare your efforts or the quality of your content with themselves and the quality of their content..?

Do you want others to talk shit about you because you have more "luck" than others and because you pour your heart, blood, sweat and tears into your creations or your work?

At the end of the day, it's not up to you to decide how much you are being paid at work or how much rewards you should get from your content. Others decides that.

What you can do, is to make sure that you put in 110% in everything you do. That you push yourselves to your limits and that you contribute as much as possible. Both in real life and on Hive.

That's basically the reason for me to have been one of the people who got the highest salary increase, even though I have a lot less experience than many of my colleagues. I often do more than others. I often do things better than others, but I don't see my work as a competition..

  • I do the things I do because I love it and it seems to pay off.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Very interesting piece, I love how you started off with your job and the human interactions at your workplace then meandered to how the same things happen here and how content creators respond and react to different rewards on their various contents.
I happen to be one of the new users who sometimes feel ignored and demotivated when my posts don't get views and upvotes from the community but I try to write anyways, because like you rightly said if you don't try, how would you be in the position of receiving rewards. Keep showing proof of brain and you will be rewarded right? winks


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Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it.

Well, I can totally see why some people feel ignored and that they become demotivated because they never seem to have any luck etc. I get that and I've been here long enough to have seen it hundreds of times.

That's why publishing articles should be something people do "on the side" on Hive. I mean that in the sense that the time they spend on Hive should be to connect with others, engage and make meaningful comments all over the place.

If people focused more on making comments instead of articles, it would be a lot easier for people to get recognition. A lot of people miss that point entirely, which is why a lot of people give up eventually..

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I have good days and bad days at work and on Hive.

My job is one of those that if nobody notices what I did, then I did it right. I am fortunate, I suppose, that I am the only person doing my job, specifically. So, there is no comparison to others. This works very well with my personality, which has always been one of marching to my own drum. Also, raises depend on when there is money. They don't have anything to do with my boss's opinion. Everybody gets the same percentage raise. In order to get a larger raise, I'd need to change title. For example, instead of Facility Manager I'd become Facility Director. But, I'd essentially be doing the same job.

On Hive, I suppose it would be nice to earn more rewards. I think my posts would get noticed more if I went around commenting more. The reality is that there are few posts that interest me enough to want to leave a comment. Thus, my work goes meagerly rewarded.

What sustains me, much like your job, is that I enjoy being on Hive and Leo Finance. I like reading about crypto. I enjoy reading about the daily lives of people in other parts of the world. I enjoy knowing that my upvotes help others make ends meet. What's more important to me is that my work is permanently recorded on the blockchain. I don't have to worry about Hive going out of business and losing all my content. Hive allows me to march to the beat of my own drum AND collect a few tokens along the way. I'm not torn up about not being a Hive influencer.

I think that's what people want. They want to be influencers so that they can earn big rewards. However, like me, they lack the skill to attract those audiences. In my opinion, if I tried to force things so that I could attract big audiences, it would become a job to be on Hive. Then I wouldn't enjoy it anymore. I'm content to earn my pennies and browse posts.

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That's a wonderful post you got right there.. :)

I think my posts would get noticed more if I went around commenting more. The reality is that there are few posts that interest me enough to want to leave a comment. Thus, my work goes meagerly rewarded.

This is important though. You understand that you would get more recognition if you made more comments. A lot of people doesn't seem to understand that, which is very unfortunate.

The second part is a bit tougher though and I totally agree with you. I use LeoFinance nowadays and as that is crypto & finance related, it can be really difficult to leave meaningful comments.

The Leofinance 12K Comment Push" where he talks about the Question Challenge. That opened my eyes a bit actually. I mean, even on the most in-depth article about the new ATH for BTC, there's room for questions. I might not have something valuable to add directly to the actual content, but I could ask a question or two that the content creator could answer.However, @taskmaster4450le made a post about "

That gives everyone more valuable information and it will increase the overall engagement as well.

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You're right. I do this on occasion at conferences. I ask a question to which I already know the answer to the benefit of others who don't even know what to ask.

That's a great way to start conversations. :)

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There is that saying, "Enjoy what you do and you'll never work a day in your life.", which seems to be where you are at. Good on that.

As for the raises thing, yes, it is all political. I hate reviews, I see them as pointless. The manager should know if I am doing my job and whether I should be rewarded for it. The reviews are based on some overall goal. Since I work in IT, there isn't much we can do to make money for the company. Our goal is to make sure things are running behind the scenes and we usually cost the company more money than we save. Sure, we can do stuff to help speed up other people's efficiency, but if they don't use the tools you provide correctly, there's nothing we can do about.

Anyway, the only true way to have a true reward for your work is if you own your own business that deals with the end customer. The better you do, the more customers you get, the more you get paid.

Anyway, the only true way to have a true reward for your work is if you own your own business that deals with the end customer. The better you do, the more customers you get, the more you get paid.

That is very true. I had a brand building business before I made the huge transition and went back to school so I could work with mental illness. It was a lot of long hours and a ton of work, but I was my own boss and every single thing I did went back to myself and to the business. It was a huge downgrade in terms of income, but it is a lot more fulfilling to do what I do today, so I am very satisfied with my decision.

"Enjoy what you do and you'll never work a day in your life."

I like that and I totally agree. It's actually my colleagues at work that what makes things difficult. They are the ones who makes things feel like actual work. Unfortunate, but I'll stand my ground and fight back with teeth and nails.

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That's a really cool attitude to have @hitmeasap. First of all, thank you so much for your services, that's a very noble thing you are doing on daily basis. Serving others and helping them figure out their lives is a rewarding feeling in itself. I am sure by the end of a hectic day if you could help at least one person, it's a win. Money is just a by-product which all of us need to pay the bills and lead a free life.

A few years ago, I left my well-paying IT job to do something of my own because I didn't want to be in that toxic environment anymore. Everyone was running a rat race, dragging their own friends down just to go up on the ladder. I used to feel like shit at the end of the day. Leaving that job was the best decision ever. I am still not financially free because I have a few debts to pay but at least I am doing what I love, helping my clients and helping others on Hive by bringing value to their lives in some or other way. That's what I like doing. Rewards are just the cherry on the cake. They will come if you give your 110% percent, if not today, then tomorrow. Just keep hustling and enjoy your day like it's the last one. ^_^

One needs to stop looking at everyone else's rewards and salaries. Focusing on your own growth would take you a long long way in life. There will always be some people who are doing better or worse than you, there's no end to it.

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Serving others and helping them figure out their lives is a rewarding feeling in itself. I am sure by the end of a hectic day if you could help at least one person, it's a win.

That is actually very true. I have risked my own body going into clinch with a lot of different people. I risk myself in one way or another multiple times per day, and I would do it again and again as long as I can stop someone from ending their lives prematurely or to stop someone from hurting one of my colleagues.

To see those people change and to actually treat them is extremely rewarding, but getting there can be extremely risky and scary as well, but it's worth it at the end of the day.

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I understand that sometimes it takes a toll on your own mental health. When almost everyday you are dealing with pain and despair.

Don't know how you handle all this buddy, I couldn't do it for a single day. Not so easy! Hope you keep on changing lives like that, my best wishes to you. Cheers!!!

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It is difficult at times.. I've been suffering from depression and anxiety attacks too, even though it's a lot easier to handle it nowadays. That's part of the reasons I made the transition and started to work with this in the first place. When I decided to study, I did so in an attempt of self-healing of sorts, and it worked out well.

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More knowledge you have the easier it gets, I think. I feel your own mental health comes first because if you are not happy then how will you heal others! That's what I have realized while solving other people's mess in their lives.

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That is very true. I have always helped people around me, even from when I was a kid, but it wasn't until I started to suffer from mental illness I went for the total transition to actually get an education and a job in that field.

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It is amazing how quickly things went down in the rat race. Corporate America become a total cesspool, kind of a real live Facebook. Everything is slander, attacks, PC, and me me me.

To me, it looked like everyone turned into a politician, blaming everyone else for their problems. Nothing was ever their fault and the "pass the blame" because an art form.

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blaming everyone else for their problems

That is so true. It crazy to see how people doesn't seem to be capable of owning their mistakes and faults nowadays. There's always someone else to blame for everything.

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Perhaps that is why we are heading more towards the stupid age.

Mistakes are how we learn and if we never make them, at least in our minds, no need to adapt and grow. Simply just keep doing what we are doing expecting the rest of the world to change.

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Perhaps that is why we are heading more towards the stupid age.

That is probably true. That along with all of this instant-gratifications are making people dumb.

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Corporate India is very much inspired by Corporate America, especially the IT industry. Apart from facing the labor abuse from our employer we used to deal with the local office politics.

Most of the people were driving solo instead of being a team player. Selfish and envious! Saving their own asses everytime and passing the pressure down the hierarchy. I feel it's quite similar everywhere.

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Yep, that sounds about the same. You could pick those people up and drop them here (or vice versa) and they would fit in no prolem.

How did you get out of it? Do you freelance?

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It's complicated @taskmaster4450le. :P I have tried many things since I left the corporate world. During the last year of my job, I started an e-commerce business with a buddy of mine. We sold a shit ton of products in two years and then parted ways. While doing it I acquired two skills -

  1. FB Ads Paid Marketing
  2. Basic level video editing and graphic design

For the next one year I did different jobs in the same domains i.e e-commerce and marketing. I used to design e-commerce stores (on a tool called Shopify) for other entrepreneurs and ran paid marketing campaigns for many of them.

Currently, I run a small social media marketing agency wherein we run sponsored ads for our clients to generate leads for them. We also help a few of them with media creation (Infographics, posters, social media posts, invitation cards, short marketing videos, etc.) for organic marketing. Being a design enthusiast myself, I try to do small projects independently as well. So I am a part-time freelancer too. This helped me during the initial covid times when suddenly all of my clients halted their business for a few months.

Personally, I like to hop on from one thing to another, just to have a variety of experiences. Hive is a great place for generalists like myself. You can basically explore many things at once!!!

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I have a friend that used to do that. She ended up quitting and moving to a different field after a while. The patients she had to deal with were just too erratic and dangerous. That is the good thing for me about working in public education. Since we are public our salaries are all published every year. Everyone knows what everyone else makes. You can't really hide it. I guess it is good anyway.

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I have a friend that used to do that.

You are ahead of me.

I dont have any of them.

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She ended up quitting and moving to a different field after a while. The patients she had to deal with were just too erratic and dangerous.

I can totally understand that. It's extremely important to be able to count and rely on your colleagues in that type of work, but it can still be very dangerous. My boss has talked to me about moving me into another department, where it's even more chaos. I still haven't made up my mind, but somehow I think it would actually be safer there, due to the people working over there.

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Oh wow, yeah, I can see how that would be beneficial to have people you can count on. I honestly think part of the issue with her past job was her husband just got sick of the patients beating up on her and he talked her into switching. I could be wrong though.

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The worst part is that we are underpaid. It's actually shitty pay and it often involves a lot of risks. It's really sad.

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That is too bad! I am pretty lucky to have a desk job.

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Yeah, I earned a lot more when I had my brand building business, but I'm very satisfied with the work I have so it makes up for it.

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That is good, as long as you are content.

Great piece and you hit the nail on the head. It actually aligns with the post I wrote this morning. If we are here (in crypto) just for the money, then we are missing the entire point of what this is all about. It is not the money as much as what it can do. And to me, it is about the freedom that is can bring to this world.

The politics of the work environment is going to kill traditional corporations. That might be a good thing but these people who behave like that are either going to have to change or they will suffer a great deal.

Hopefully we can get you to the point with crypto where you have the choice whether you work or not.

That should be the goal we try to bring to everyone here.

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Hopefully we can get you to the point with crypto where you have the choice whether you work or not.
That should be the goal we try to bring to everyone here.

I totally agree with you. I will probably never quit my job, regardless if I became a billionaire or not, but I would definitely decrease the amount of hours I work. I would love to work for about 2-3 hours per day. That would be perfect, but I would not quit my job.

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I do the things I do because I love it and it seems to pay off.

This is the problem with most people. They aren't doing it because they love it. It ends up being more for the paycheck. I honestly don't know if I could survive dealing with mental patients. I have a feeling I would start getting annoyed at the same mistakes and actions all the time. I would just be happy with the pay raise because it means more money. There is no point in really comparing people.

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It ends up being more for the paycheck.

This is very true and that's exactly what happens at my job. A lot of people there are working for the paycheck while I am there for the patients. The money is obviously something I need, but I had my own brand building business before I went back to school to study, and eventually started to work with what I do today, so I dropped a lot of income.

The money was never a priority for me, even though it's obviously nice to be compensated and getting a raise.

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I have mad respect for people working with psychiatric patients, I also work in the hospital but not with patients. One thing I know for sure is that I wouldn't be able to work with the type of patients you have to deal with on a daily basis, I would simply end up as patient myself. It's disheartening to see that even the most civilized countries have envious and crappy people that care more about 50 euros than acting like a normal human being.

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It's disheartening to see that even the most civilized countries have envious and crappy people that care more about 50 euros than acting like a normal human being.

Yeah, it's crazy.. Envy is an awful thing and it clearly shows you who a person really is. Grouping up and bullying people. Talking shit behind people's backs for ~50 bucks. Is this kindergarten?

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You are lucky to be among the few people who love their jobs, we know the world over that people dread their jobs, but keep doing them for 20-30 years.

I like the mentality you have on your job and your company is lucky to have you there because you love to help.

There are always those fights in workplaces as you have explained, the people who joined the company early have that entitlement over others even if the new people work harder and better than them.

Also, people have to know that there will always be a person better than them either through luck or nature, I do not know hehehe.

It is fascinating that professional nurses bully others and they can even make their fellow nurses be admitted there as mental sickness patients!!

I am glad that you seem or are to be a person who has high emotional intelligence and cannot be bullied down easily hehehe...

Continue serving your life mission of helping people and maybe one day start your own personal practice that might make you work less hours.

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Continue serving your life mission of helping people and maybe one day start your own personal practice that might make you work less hours.

It's funny you say this. I have a few friends who've said this to me many times actually. That I should start my own thing instead.. That's difficult though. It would involve several years of study and that's not something I am interested in, even though I would love to have my own thing.

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Personally I find it very unfair that others publish crap and earn 100 times more than me, we must do something or force the curators to look more to the minorities.

I remember once seeing something like this in a post from a very successful user on Hive, but I don't think so, as everyone has a reason to be rewarded like this.

It is true that it is unfair that you don't get what you expect, but if you don't make an effort, how will you get results?

If you look at the weekly statistics of leofinance, you realize that those who top the list of most comments, most votes, most LEO bets, most delegations to leo.voter, are the ones who are rewarded the most, since they contribute a lot to leofinance.

The difference is to build a brand little by little, and see results in

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There have been a lot of topics about Hive being unfair and people have talked about how user A earns more than user B, even though user B has a lot better content and whatever.. But it doesn't work like that.

Sure, we want quality content to some extent obviously, but as soon as you have an audience, you're likely to be rewarded something for literally everything you do. So, the main thing to focus on for people should be how to grow your audience.

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Of course, that's why part of the engagement is based on creating interpersonal relationships with other users, since by commenting frequently on someone's posts, over time you create a connection that, who knows, can bring a lot of audience.

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Soooo glad to hear you're loving and super fulfilled by your work! And, big congratulations on your raise! Well done. ;).

Thank you!! :)
Yeah, I'm very happy actually.. Sure, some colleagues are idiots I wish would give up and quit immediately, because I know things would be better without them. Some of them are even what makes my job feel like a job, because I don't mind working with patients. I don't mind the hard and tedious work.

I'm not usually afraid of being hurt, even though I might have to risk my own body while someone is "crazy" and acting out. I do my job and I enjoy it. It's fulfilling and it means a lot to me.

Some of my colleagues don't mean much to me though.. Which is kind of sad.

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Doing what you love is important but so is paying the bills as I always say. Once you start doing what you love you wont mind "working" all the time as it just becomes a part of your life and you're honestly happy and enjoy doing it. Getting paid for it is just the gravy and you no longer go out buying or looking for happiness elsewhere which is where I feel like a lot of people fall victims to. Hating their job and spending that money to try and compensate for the unhappiness.

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Hating their job and spending that money to try and compensate for the unhappiness.

I guess that is why I can spend my rare off time at home while most of my colleagues always do something whenever they are free. They travel, go out on restaurants, having dinner with friends or whatever. It's rare to hear them say that they've just been home for a day..

Well, it's either that, or the fact that I don't have much of a life. lol

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Since we are public our salaries are all published every year. Everyone knows what everyone else makes. You can't really hide it. I guess it is good anyway.

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It's people like you that inspire people like me to keep at it, pushing and growing so that one day I can be in the same position. I'm always happy to see others succeed, because it means I can do it do. Almost everything is possible if you put your mind to it and put the work in.

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Thank you very much, I appreciate it. This is actually why I have said numerous times in the past that success-stories are extremely important for us. We should encourage people to share their stories with us, because those stories can and will encourage others as well.

Now, this might not be a success-story in that sense, but it's somewhat a mix of life & crypto and how people often behave around money, so it can be a "guide" of sorts. It depends on how the consumers takes it.

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Nice article with a, to me, rather surprising turn onto Crypto. ;) The introduction had a bit length, though, like it very much!

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I'm glad you liked it. Thanks a lot. :)

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Congratulations on sharing your life experience !!



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I've told you before.. Do not spam your links in other peoples comment sections.

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