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RE: My First Rollercoin Season

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I'm more into passive and idle games. I've played RC for a while even bought few miners but after a while my calculations showed I'll need 10+ years for ROI if I use only miners so I tried to play as much as I could and finally realized I get cents for playing few hours a day. Nowadays I don't login. I was hoping (before Marketplace was live) I'll be able to sell my miners and get some return. But they also built Marketplace for them not for players.

Just my 2c.
Good luck
(via Listnerds)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I completely agree. I tried this for a while before I realized it was purely a waste of time which I'll never get back. The same amount of time was better spent on developing myself on Hive (a much higher return for the same amount of time, plus more stimulating) or even sleeping!

hmmm... Yea, the returns are not that high I agree. Esp if you are mining at lower power. I'm sure you can sell the Miners in the marketplace