Welcome to the Daily Hivelist Classifieds #threadcast
This is the place for you to advertise on Threads! You can post directly here on this threadcast, or make a post in the #hivelist community using one of the following tags on your post, and then share the URL for that post here in the threadcast!
- Use the #forsale tag if you have something to sell
- Use the #forhire tag if you are for hire for a particular service
- Use the #nowhiring tag if you are looking for talent
- Use the #contest tag if you are hosting a contest
- Use the #event tag if you are hosting an event
- Use the #fundraising tag if you are looking to raise funds
- Use the #housing tag if you are looking to buy, sell, or rent housing
- Use the #wanted tag if you are looking for something in general
Looks like a slow Thursday here on Threads!