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RE: Story of Two Hive Beings

in LeoFinance3 years ago

To play Devil's advocate:

I can understand the logic. Hive Blockchain Technlogies Ltd. was/is probably afraid of genericide of their trademark. Sending a C&D letter was Hive Blockchain Technlogies Ltd. raising a timely objection and they don't have to take legal action immediately. If they sit back for a little while and document any confusion in the market then they can take legal action with that evidence to support their legal claims.

It would be better if there was more reform of intellectual property laws so decades old laws weren't applied to contemporary technology.

Who would you sue in a decentralized network?

Maybe Hive Blockchain Technlogies Ltd. wouldn't do it quite like $JRR but something along those lines. File a WIPO complaint. Get court injunctions against any websites that facilitate trading of infringing token.

I am sure there are more legal remedies lawyers have in their arsenal but my evil is specialized in hologram-themed capers in the Gothan City area and not being an intellectual property troll.😄


These are great points. I do understand the logic for a company to defend its interests. However, this is not just any other company. Their business model to make money of bitcoin's success, which I would think require some basic understanding about bitcoin and what it stands for.

Their actions showed they are either ignorant or don't care about bitcoin vision, which included decentralization.

I highly doubt they would be successful in any fight against domain names. Because their business model has nothing to do with doing business online and if they really needed these domains they had plenty of time and opportunity to acquire any hive related ones.

Thank you @holovision.