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RE: How Frivolous Spending Prevents Early Retirement!

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)

That's nuts. When you see the numbers all added up. Boggles the brain.

Much as I am for being frugal and avoiding waste, I did think reading this, sure but I could also die of a coronary at 50. Never reach retirement, early or otherwise. Would probably regret (in an abstract sense) denying myself of all these frivolities, you know?

Restaurants- most such outings also have a social aspect. Sure, you can have people over and so on but not always.

Holidays and hotels- for many of the 9to5ers , those brief two weeks or less on the beach in Spain or whatever are the highlight of their year.

As for cultural life, concerts, shows, theater etc...I'd say I couldn't imagine my life without. I can. It was called the pandemic and it was horrible.

But I get where this is coming from, I really do. I view a lot of other people's "frivolities" (e.g. spending money on crap at the mall or paying for fancy gym membership) as a foolish waste of money.
For me, it always comes down to "would i be okay with missing this occasion/getaway/event" and "is this worth the x hours of work it requires not to put a dent in my finances " :)

Very thought provoking. Thank you. Hope your digital detox thing is going well:)


I think we all have something that get's us spending - mine's beer probably!

Those holidays which make working a 9-5 worthwhile, makes me shudder if I'm honest!

This kind of savings routine can be brutal, the trick is to find stuff to do which is free, maybe that's easier said than done?!?

Or better yet, side hustles one enjoys that make money.

I've just joined a drumming circle, the woman who runs that has a fucking great time and earns money, now that's my sort of thing!

Nice to get a reminder of getting back to the DD - Sunday is good for that!