Interesting! Did you study business? This reads like one of the case studies I read at university studying international business.
Why do you think Amazon is like the Death Star?
Posted Using LeoFinance
Interesting! Did you study business? This reads like one of the case studies I read at university studying international business.
Why do you think Amazon is like the Death Star?
Posted Using LeoFinance
I have a chemical engineering degree, but live and breath the Markets because it fascinates me so much. Regarding Amazon being the Death Star, they continue to take over industry after industry to the point where they are eliminating the competition, leaving consumers with less and less choices. In addition, they have already invaded my home, thanks to my wife, but I continue to refuse to talk to Alexa.
Posted Using LeoFinance
Reminds me of a book I read called "The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google". It was very engaging and enlightening. These giants have done some great things but their power over all of humanity is getting scary. That's why I'm so passionate about decentralized projects such as Hive which transfer power from corporations and companies to individuals.
Anyway, look forward to more of your content @rollandthomas! Is your name Rolland btw?