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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @sally-saver | Year 3 | Week 35 - Saturday 2 September 2023 | Win EDS for Comments

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hi, being me I would produce an excel based register (but I do everything in excel !)
I had a gain of +53 HP, which in the grand scheme is a positive gain, otherwise it was a dullish week for me:

I did join in with HPUD and powered up just under 20 HIVE:

I can confirm I voted as usual ! And many thanks for the EDSMM !!!!
All the best to everyone for the coming week ! Cheers @hoosie


I think it might end up an excel print-out - I want to br able to sort alphabetically, difficult when new people join through the year, but also just tick off names (with a special code, so I know whether they voted, HPUDed, commented, had new goals etc 😁.

Thanks for the HPUD link.