Maybe expand on content you vote?
From the outside looking in, It just looks like a circle jerk. Must cost a fortune on tissue. Judging by the amount it brings back.
Remember. These things were not implemented by consensus, It was decided in a closed room and only put out once there was an assurance of who would be able to make use of it. Just look at who gets funded,
The same for the thousands of HBD paid out to perform tasks that were left wayside once payment made.
The problem is. If anyone brings anything like this to the attention of a population, There is no debate about it or discussion. There is no, Can we resolve this.
The one who made the statement gets attacked. One side is just too defensive to have a discussion. Or is it they do not want open discussion because of what may be revealed.
Defence and justification of something does not make it right.
These seems to be plenty of discussion, just no agreement.
Agreement won't be found. There is a lack of understanding on many things.
Discussion is needed. It is useless though without understanding.